Issue - meetings


Meeting: 19/03/2018 - Executive (Item 204)


To consider a report of the Executive Member for Highways, Parks and Environmental Services.

Additional documents:


1. That the allocation of the approved highways programme as set out in the appendices to the report be approved.

2. That approval be given to the addition of £17m additional expenditure, including £5.9m in 2018/19. A further investment of £5.5m and £5.6m in 2019/20 and 2020/21 respectively, subject to resource availability, to be assessed as part of the budget setting process for 2019/20.

3. That authority be delegated to the Acting Corporate Director, EGEI to make subsequent minor changes to the above agreed programmes.

4. That it be recommended that Council approves the additional expenditure of £17m, financed from borrowing £16.6m and one-off contributions as detailed in the report over the next three years and the updated prudential indicators as included in Appendix I to the report.


The Executive Member for Highways, Parks and Environmental Services submitted a report which set out the schemes proposed under the highways capital programme for the 2018/19, identified as priorities for the next financial year. A list of reserve schemes had also been prepared; with the intention of this being called upon in the event of underspend due to efficiencies or reprogramming. This would ensure capital funds were fully committed in order to maintain the standard of the asset portfolio. The report also set out additional capital investment in maintaining highways, and included details of updated prudential indicators. In response to a question, it was agreed that further information would be provided of the state of repair grading of schemes selected for attention. The Executive noted that Council would need to approve the proposed additional expenditure and Prudential Indicators, and that resolution 4 below was accordingly a recommendation to Council.


            RESOLVED -


(1)        That the allocation of the approved highways programme as set out in the appendices to the report be approved.


(2)        That approval be given to the addition of £17m additional expenditure, including £5.9m in 2018/19. A further investment of £5.5m and £5.6m in 2019/20 and 2020/21 respectively, subject to resource availability, to be assessed as part of the budget setting process for 2019/20.


(3)        That authority be delegated to the Acting Corporate Director, EGEI to make subsequent minor changes to the above agreed programmes.


(4)        That it be recommended that Council approves the additional expenditure of £17m, financed from borrowing £16.6m and one-off contributions as detailed in the report over the next three years and the updated prudential indicators as included in Appendix I to the report.