Issue - meetings


Meeting: 06/08/2014 - Accounts and Audit Committee (Item 15)

15 PRE-AUDITED ACCOUNTS 2014 pdf icon PDF 1 MB

To consider the following reports of the Executive Member for Finance and the Director of Finance:

Additional documents:


Further to Minute No. of the previous meeting held on 26 June 2014, the Director of Finance submitted the full pre-audited Statement of Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2014, which he had approved as the Council’s ‘Responsible Financial Officer’.


The Committee also received the 2013/14 Revenue Budget Monitoring Outturn report which had been considered by the Executive on 28 July 2014.


In consideration of the Accounts, the Chairman requested the Director of Finance to clarify some of the variations reflected in the financial statements, namely:


an increase in income in Housing Services; approximately £20 million of additions to the balance sheet under the heading ‘other land and buildings’; and provision for bad and doubtful short term debts.


The Director of Finance also responded to specific queries relating to:


use of the Long Term Accommodation Decant Reserve and National Non-Domestic Rates Reserve; Employee rationalisation; the estimated value of the remaining Sale Waterside Private Finance Initiative contract; the joint funding arrangement for Phase 3b of the Metrolink Scheme; and the Council’s liability for the Altrincham Interchange scheme.




(1)    That the Committee notes the Statutory Financial Accounts for the Year 2013/14 (Accounts 2014), submitted to the external auditor and public inspection.


(2)    That the Committee conveys its appreciation to the Director of Finance and his team for the work which has gone in to producing a good set of Accounts.

Meeting: 26/06/2014 - Accounts and Audit Committee (Item 4)


To consider the following reports of the Executive Member for Finance and the Director of Finance:

Additional documents:


The Director of Finance provided an oral update on the preparation of the pre-audited Statement of Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2014.


The Executive Member for Finance and the Director of Finance also submitted the 2013/14 Revenue Budget Monitoring Outturn report detailing the main areas of overall budget variance, the General Reserve and Council Tax Collection Fund balances and commitments. The Director of Finance reported that the Adult Social Care figures had been amended to correct for unsound forecast assumptions and that the matter was subject of an investigation which upon completion would be brought before the Committee.


In response to specific questions regarding the Adult Social Care Budget overspend, the Director of Finance indicated that since there was likelihood that exempt information would be disclosed, it would be advisable to consider the matter following the exclusion of the press and public (Minute No. 13 refers).


Also before the Committee was the Capital Investment Programme Outturn report summarising the outturn position for 2013/14 and the consequential impact on the Medium Term Financial Plan 2014/17. Members’ questions concerned the town centre loan scheme, ‘Bringing Town Centres Alive; the Altair Development, Altrincham; and the purchase of additional burial land at Dunham Cemetery. The Director of Finance responded and would provide additional clarification direct to the Members concerned.




(1)    That the Committee notes that the Director of Finance, the Council’s ‘Responsible Financial Officer’ has authority to approve the Pre-Audited Accounts 2014 by the 30 June 2014 deadline.


(2)    That the Committee’s consideration of the un-audited Statutory Financial Accounts for the Year 2013/14 and the 2013/14 Revenue Budget Monitoring Outturn report be deferred to a Special Meeting of the Accounts and Audit Committee to be arranged provisionally late July 2014.


(2)    That the Capital Investment Programme 2013/14 Outturn being presented to the Executive on 28 July 2014, be noted.