Issue - meetings


Meeting: 03/09/2014 - Health Scrutiny Committee (Item 21)


Members will be invited to consider potential issues to be incorporated within the Scrutiny Work Programme.


Councillor Chilton will describe a potential project in relation to the administration of the District Nursing Scheme.


The Committee had been asked in advance of the meeting to consider issues that they believed merited consideration for inclusion in the Committee’s work programme. Three proposals were outlined by members of the Committee which concerned addressing childhood obesity, district nursing services and mental health provision in Trafford.


The officers emphasised the importance of developing a work programme which would maximise effective outcomes with close regard for the resources available to the Committee, and the Chair specified that any potential topics should be clearly focused and specify attainable outcomes. In consideration of this the Chair requested that the officers re-circulate the assessment form to members of the Committee, accompanied by enhanced guidance to help with the formulation of potential study areas, with forms to be returned to officers promptly.




1)            That officers circulate an updated form accompanied by enhanced guidance on criteria for consideration in the proposal of potential work programme areas; and

2)            That members wishing to propose a topic complete and return the form to the officers.

Meeting: 23/07/2014 - Health Scrutiny Committee (Item 8)


To receive a report, recently referred to Council, of the Corporate Director, Transformation and Resources / Statutory Scrutiny Officer.


Members will be invited to consider potential issues to be incorporated within the Scrutiny Work Programme.





The Committee considered the report approved by Council about the arrangements for Scrutiny Committees following the abolition of the Topic Group Chairman role at the Annual Meeting on 11 June.


The report set out the future model of operation which was based around the principle that Scrutiny Committees should be flexible in their approach and consider issues at the most appropriate and relevant time.  The report suggested that Scrutiny Committees should prepare an overview work programme for the year. This would include any significant items on the horizon and any follow up issues.  However, the work programme should provide sufficient capacity for ad hoc and current issues to be added to the agenda as and when they arise.


The Chairman and Vice Chairman suggested that this item should be considered at the next meeting of the Committee given that there was limited time to consider the programme in the time remaining at this meeting.


RESOLVED - That the matter be considered at the next meeting of the Committee.

Meeting: 22/07/2014 - Scrutiny Committee (Item 8)


To receive a report, recently referred to Council, of the Corporate Director, Transformation and Resources / Statutory Scrutiny Officer.


Members will be invited to consider potential issues to be incorporated within the Scrutiny Work Programme.


The Chairman reported that the abolition of the Topic Group Chairman role provided an opportunity to review the approach to scrutiny. The general principle was that Scrutiny Committees should be flexible in their approach and consider issues at the most appropriate and relevant time.


The Committee would need to prepare an overview work programme for the year. This would include any significant items on the horizon and any follow up issues.  However, the work programme should provide sufficient capacity for ad hoc and current issues to be added to the agenda as and when they arose.


The Chairman reported that there were a number of items that the Committee would need to consider over the year. These included the budget and the Reshaping Trafford programme. The Committee discussed the need to consider education related matters later in the municipal year. The Chairman and Vice Chairman would consider the programme and submit a report to the next meeting.




(1)       That the report be noted.


(2)       That the Chairman and Vice Chairman report to the next meeting on the work programme for the Committee.