Issue - meetings

Task & Finish Report: Period Poverty

Meeting: 18/03/2019 - Executive (Item 117)

Task & Finish Report: Period Poverty

Additional documents:


1. That the report be received, and that its content and recommendations be noted.


2. That a formal response be made to Health Scrutiny Committee in due course.


Councillor Taylor, as Vice-Chair of the Health Scrutiny Committee, introduced the report of the task and Finish Group on Period Poverty, drawing attention to key features of the report and its recommendations, and thanking the Members and officers who had supported its production. Members of the Executive welcomed the report, acknowledging the impact and significance of the issues it raised; and it was agreed that a formal response would be made to the Scrutiny Committee in due course.


            RESOLVED -


(1)       That the report be received, and that its content and recommendations be noted.


(2)       That a formal response be made to Health Scrutiny Committee in due course.