Agenda item

Motion submitted by the Conservative Group


This Council welcomes the forthcoming Ashes Test Match to be held this August at the prestigious new facilities of Lancashire County Cricket Club.  This has only been possible thanks to the foresight of Trafford Conservatives whose actions ensured the club could lever in substantial private sector investment thereby securing its future in Trafford. Had this Council followed the Labour Group view, this  facility would have been lost to Trafford forever, thereby forsaking tens of  millions of pounds worth of investment and thousands of jobs not just in Trafford, but beyond, for many decades to come. This Council thereby recognises all partners and groups who had the vision and conviction to safeguard our local economy by securing the future of the club.



It was moved and seconded that:


“this Council welcomes the forthcoming Ashes Test Match to be held this August at the prestigious new facilities of Lancashire County Cricket Club.  This has only been possible thanks to the foresight of Trafford Conservatives whose actions ensured the club could lever in substantial private sector investment thereby securing its future in Trafford. Had this Council followed the Labour Group view, this  facility would have been lost to Trafford forever, thereby forsaking tens of  millions of pounds worth of investment and thousands of jobs not just in Trafford, but beyond, for many decades to come. This Council thereby recognises all partners and groups who had the vision and conviction to safeguard our local economy by securing the future of the club.”


It was moved and seconded as an amendment that:


“this Council welcomes the forthcoming Ashes Test Match to be held this August at the prestigious new facilities of Lancashire County Cricket Club.  This has only been possible thanks to the foresight of Trafford Conservatives supported by Trafford Liberal Democrats, whose actions ensured the club could lever in substantial private sector investment thereby securing its future in Trafford. Had this Council followed the Labour Group view, this facility would have been lost to Trafford forever, thereby forsaking tens of  millions of pounds worth of investment and thousands of jobs not just in Trafford, but beyond, for many decades to come. This Council thereby recognises all partners and groups who had the vision and conviction to safeguard our local economy by securing the future of the club.”


Council debated the matter and received notice of a second amendment. Following the discussion on the amendment it was put to the vote and declared carried.


It was moved and seconded as a second amendment that:


“this Council welcomes the forthcoming Ashes Test Match to be held this August at the prestigious new facilities of Lancashire County Cricket Club.  This has only been made possible by the Conservative led Council who handed over £21 million from the sale of Council owned land to Tesco. This was done without consultation on whether Trafford residents wanted the Council to utilise, what is in effect, Council Tax payers’ money being spent on LCCC, which is a private members club, to redevelop their ground and members facilities. This at a time of austerity where Council have significantly cut frontline services and made their own staff redundant. It is the Labour Group view that this capital receipt should have been spent more wisely by investing directly into Trafford services, communities and town centres.”


The second amendment was put to the vote and declared lost. Subsequently, the substantive Motion was then declared carried.


RESOLVED: That this Council welcomes the forthcoming Ashes Test Match to be held this August at the prestigious new facilities of Lancashire County Cricket Club.  This has only been possible thanks to the foresight of Trafford Conservatives supported by Trafford Liberal Democrats, whose actions ensured the club could lever in substantial private sector investment thereby securing its future in Trafford. Had this Council followed the Labour Group view, this facility would have been lost to Trafford forever, thereby forsaking tens of  millions of pounds worth of investment and thousands of jobs not just in Trafford, but beyond, for many decades to come. This Council thereby recognises all partners and groups who had the vision and conviction to safeguard our local economy by securing the future of the club.