Agenda item


To consider a report of the Executive Member for Economic Growth, Environment and Infrastructure.


PLEASE NOTE: The detailed CAA and CAMP documents (Appendices 4 – 13) are very extensive, and thus not being duplicated with the hard copy of the agenda. They have been posted on the Council’s website along with the report; and a hard copy will be available at the meeting for Members’ consultation, if required.]


1. That the consultation responses  and amendments made to the CAAs and CAMPs for Ashley Heath, Bowdon, Devisdale and Sandiway as set out in Appendix 3 to the report be noted.


2. That, subject to the correction of a minor typographical error, reported to the meeting, in the Bowdon CAA document, the following be approved for adoption and publication as Supplementary Planning Documents, as set out in Appendices 4-13 to the report:-


·         Ashley Heath CAA

·         Ashley Heath CAMP

·         Bowdon CAA

·         Bowdon CAMP

·         Devisdale CAA

·         Devisdale CAMP

·         Hale Station CAA

·         Hale Station CAMP

·         Sandiway CAA

·         Sandiway CAMP


3. That responsibility for approving any minor amendments to the wording of the documents, prior to their publication, be delegated to the Director of Growth and Regulatory Services.


The Executive Member for Economic Growth, Environment and Infrastructure submitted a report which provided a summary of the consultation responses received to the draft Conservation Area Appraisals (CAAs) and draft Management Plans (CAMPs) for Ashley Heath, Bowdon, Devisdale, Hale Station and Sandiway, and sought approval to the final documentation for adoption as Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD). Members were advised of a minor typographical error in the Bowdon CAA, also reproduced on p.90 of the agenda pack. The reference to “Ledyard Close” was in fact intended to read “Ledward Lane”.


            RESOLVED -


(1)        That the consultation responses  and amendments made to the CAAs and CAMPs for Ashley Heath, Bowdon, Devisdale and Sandiway as set out in Appendix 3 to the report be noted.


(2)        That, subject to the correction of a minor typographical error, reported to the meeting, in the Bowdon CAA document, the following be approved for adoption and publication as Supplementary Planning Documents, as set out in Appendices 4-13 to the report:-


·         Ashley Heath CAA

·         Ashley Heath CAMP

·         Bowdon CAA

·         Bowdon CAMP

·         Devisdale CAA

·         Devisdale CAMP

·         Hale Station CAA

·         Hale Station CAMP

·         Sandiway CAA

·         Sandiway CAMP


(3)        That responsibility for approving any minor amendments to the wording of the documents, prior to their publication, be delegated to the Director of Growth and Regulatory Services.

Supporting documents: