Agenda item


To consider the attached report of the Head of Planning and Development.


The Head of Planning and Development submitted a report setting out the details of planning application 118625/FO/2017 which was submitted to Manchester City Council in January 2018 and seeks full planning permission for the erection of a part 14 and part 15 storey building to form  280 residential apartments (Use Class C3a) with a 373 m2 ground floor commercial unit (Use Classes A1/A2/A3) with associated car parking, landscaping, public realm and other associated works following demolition of existing buildings and outline planning permission (with all matters reserved) for the erection of a part 11 and part 15 storey building to form a 154 bed hotel and 88 bed apart-hotel building (Use Class C1) together with a 140 m2 single storey retail building (Use Classes A1/A2/A3/A4/A5) with associated public realm, car parking, and other associated works following demolition of existing buildings.  A small proportion of the application site which is bound by Cornbrook Road, Dinton Street, Trentham Street and the A56 lies within the administrative area of Trafford Council. 


Trafford Council has been formally consulted on the planning application by Manchester City Council as a neighbouring Local Planning Authority. 


Manchester City Council have also formally requested that the discharge of the Local Planning Authority’s functions in relation to the determination of this planning application are transferred, under the Local Government Act, from Trafford Council to Manchester City Council to enable the determination of the development proposal to be carried out by Manchester under a single planning application, 118625/FO/2017.


              RESOLVED: That Trafford Council delegates to Manchester City Council powers to discharge Trafford Council’s function as Local Planning Authority in accordance with the Local Government Act, subject to the conditions listed below to enable Manchester City Council to determine planning application 118625/FO/18.


              The following conditions are proposed to allow Trafford to retain an element of control over the planning decision making in relation to the part of the development that sits within the Trafford boundary, whilst allowing Manchester to remain the determining authority. 


(1)       Any planning obligations drafted for inclusion in the S.106 Agreement associated with application 118625/FO/2018 that affect land within the Trafford Council administrative area, shall be submitted to Trafford for review and written approval from Trafford issued before inclusion within the S.106 Agreement. 

(2)       No planning obligations affecting land within the administrative boundary of Trafford Council will be discharged by Manchester until Trafford have confirmed in writing that there are no objections to the submitted details.

(3)       A clause shall be included within the S.106 Agreement associated with application 118625/FO/2018 requiring Manchester City Council to formally consult Trafford on any of the application types listed in (4) below, submitted pursuant to planning application 118625/FO/18, where the content of that application relates to land within the administrative boundary of Trafford Council.

(4)       Manchester City Council shall have delegated powers to determine any of the following application types pursuant to 118625/FO/18 where Trafford have confirmed in writing that there are no objections to the proposals:

a)        Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (Determination of applications to develop land without compliance with conditions previously attached), only where the footprint of the built development does not extend on to or overhang land within the Trafford Council administrative boundary.

b)        Section 96A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (Power to make non-material changes to planning permission).

c)        Section 6 of The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 (Applications for approval of reserved matters) only where the footprint of the built development does not extend on to or overhang land within the Trafford Council administrative boundary.

d)        Section 27 of The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 (Applications made under a planning condition).


Supporting documents: