Agenda item


To consider the attached report of the Head of Planning and Development.


The Head of Planning and Development submitted a report concerning an application for outline planning permission for the demolition of existing retail unit and associated structures; erection of buildings for a mix of use including 333 apartments (Use Class C3) and communal spaces ancillary to the residential use; flexible space for use classes A1, A3, D1 and/or D2; undercroft car parking; new public realm and associated engineering works and infrastructure.


              RESOLVED:  That had Members been able to determine the planning application they would be minded to refuse planning permission (in contesting the appeal) for the following reasons:-


1.            The proposed development would prejudice the use of the fine turf and non-turf training facility at Lancashire Cricket Club. The proposed development therefore conflicts with Strategic Objective OTO11, Policies SL3 and R6 of the adopted Core Strategy.


2.            The proposed development would have a dominating and adverse impact on Lancashire Cricket Club (LCC) as well as its setting and cultural character and identity. LCC is an internationally significant visitor attraction, cultural and tourism venue. The impact on the visitor experience is considered to be sufficient to weigh strongly against the proposal.  The development is therefore contrary to Policies SL3 and R6 of the adopted Core Strategy and the National Planning Policy Framework. 


3.               The proposed development would represent poor design as its form, layout, height, scale, massing, density and monolithic appearance are inappropriate in its context and would result in a building which would be significantly out of character with its surroundings.  This would have a highly detrimental impact on the street scene and the character and quality of the area. This would be contrary to Policies SL3 and L7 of the adopted Trafford Core Strategy and the National Planning Policy Framework.


4.               The proposed development would not provide a development plan policy compliant level of planning obligations in relation to affordable housing and education improvements to suitably and appropriately mitigate the impacts of the development.  The applicant has failed to demonstrate that there is a robust viability case to demonstrate that the scheme could not offer a policy compliant level of obligations. The proposed development is therefore contrary to Policies SL3, L2 and L8 of the adopted Core Strategy and the Council's adopted Revised Supplementary Planning Document 1 (SPD1) - Planning Obligations and the National Planning Policy Framework.


5.               The proposed development by virtue of its height, massing, scale and layout would result in a poor level of amenity and unacceptable living standards for future occupiers of the development, by virtue of inadequate daylight and outlook in both apartments and amenity areas. The proposed development is therefore contrary to Policies SL3 and L7 of the adopted Core Strategy and the National Planning Policy Framework.


6.            The proposed development by virtue of its height, massing, scale and layout would result in harm to the amenity of existing residential properties on Great Stone Road and Trent Bridge Walk by virtue of noticeable reductions in the amount of daylight and sunlight that they receive, and would also have an overbearing impact on these properties and other residential properties in the wider 'Gorses' area. The proposed development is therefore contrary to Policies SL3, L3 and L7 and the National Planning Policy Framework


7.               The proposed development by virtue of its layout, scale and massing would have a harmful impact on the setting of Longford Park Conservation Area equating to 'less than substantial' harm in National Planning Policy Framework terms.  The benefits of the scheme are not considered to outweigh the identified harm to a designated heritage asset. The proposed development is therefore contrary to Policies SL3 and R1 of the adopted Core Strategy and the National Planning Policy Framework.


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