Agenda item


To consider a report from the Executive Member for Highways, Environmental, and Traded Services.


1)    That the Mid Term Review of the HIAMP 2022-2027 as the guiding plan for highway infrastructure asset management for which Trafford Council is responsible be approved.


2)    That the indicative highway maintenance funding allocations that would be required for the remainder of the HIAMP term to maintain the condition of assets be noted.



The Executive Member for Highways, Environmental, and Traded Services presented the report to the Committee and informed Members the report represented an update on delivery of the 10-year plan that had been agreed by the Executive in 2017. The Executive Member drew the Committee’s attention to the additional funding made available to reduce the deterioration of the highways as an asset of the Council. The Executive Member stated that the additional funding was evidence that the Council was committed to investing above the government funding in this asset. However, the Committee were asked to note that despite the additional funding there was still a need for additional funding to be provided from the government to enable the asset to be maintained or improved in the long term.


Councillor Frass asked what support was being given to the tree maintenance team to ensure that the street tree asset was maintained. The Executive Member for Highways, Environmental, and Traded Services responded to Councillor Frass and informed the Committee that a report on highway trees was currently out for consultation which detailed the Councils approach for that asset in detail including the impact of climate change. The Executive Member asked all Councillors to take part in the consultation if they were able and to contact him or the service directly if they were aware of any local issues that needed addressing.


Councillor Welton noted that there was no mention of preventative actions such as reducing speed limits or restricting the use of heavy goods vehicles on roads and asked whether there were any plans to use those measures. In response to Councillor Welton the Executive Member for Highways, Environmental, and Traded Services informed the Committee that the work around the HIAMP was aligned closely with the strategies of TFGM and a large amount of the strategy looked at prevention and reduction through expanding active travel. The Corporate Director of Place added that work to introduce 20 MPH zones and increase active transport was ongoing and that Officers would look to highlight those activities more within future iterations of the HIAMP.


Cllr Holden commended the Executive Member for Highways, Environmental, and Traded Services and officers for the excellent report and asked how the Council was going to measure success and how they would know that they have achieved what they set out to do. Executive Member for Highways, Environmental, and Traded Services directed Councillor Holden to a table on page 81 within the report pack where the different rankings of the roads were listed. The table showed the planned maintenance and improvements planned for each rank of road and the quality they aimed to achieve.


Councillor Jerrome noted that there was a £10,000 reduction in funding for highways trees and questioned whether that was the right area to reduce funding. Executive Member for Highways, Environmental, and Traded Services responded to Councillor Jerrome that while the Council had reduced funding there, they were also doing a large amount of work with city of Trees, which aimed to plant two trees for everyone one lost.


Councillor Jerrome asked whether Oxford Road could be made into a no through road or if the speed limit could be reduced. The Leader asked that specific questions like this be taken up with the relevant Executive Member directly outside of the meeting.


Following the discussion, the Leader moved the recommendations of the report and they were approved.



1)    That the Mid Term Review of the HIAMP 2022-2027 as the guiding plan for highway infrastructure asset management for which Trafford Council is responsible be approved.


2)    That the indicative highway maintenance funding allocations that would be required for the remainder of the HIAMP term to maintain the condition of assets be noted.


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