Agenda item


To consider a report of the Executive Member for Leisure, Arts, Culture and Heritage.


1.       That the Trafford Cultural Strategy be adopted and approved


2.       That the implementation plan and the associated commitment of resources be approved.



The Executive Member for Leisure, Culture, Art, and Heritage introduced the report on the Councils culture strategy. The Committee were informed that Trafford was a talent belt for culture and the arts across Greater Manchester with 25% of creative professionals living within the borough. The Executive Member for Executive Member for Leisure, Culture, Art, and Heritage stated that this often went unrecognised at a GM level with Trafford often being seen as an audience for Manchester’s cultural offerings rather than the workforce and core element of the creative industry. The Executive Member drew the Committee’s attention to the fact that Trafford was underrepresented in terms of external funding for culture and the arts.


The report detailed the positive impact the strategy would have for residents across the borough and how it would help to stimulate the borough’s economy. The strategy looked to build upon the area’s rich heritage in sport and the arts. As part of the development of the strategy a culture summit had been held and the Executive Member for Leisure, Culture, Art, and Heritage spoke of the great energy among those who attended the summit with regards to what could be achieved within the area. The Executive Member for Leisure, Culture, Art, and Heritage concluded her introduction by drawing the Committee’s attention to the recommendations of the report along with the resources required to achieve them. 


The Leader welcomed the report and spoke of his own passion for culture and the creative sector within Trafford. The Leader recognised the rich cultural position the Council had with the imperial war museum, Sale Festival, one of the largest collections of puppets in the country, a thriving music service, and being home to multiple international music venues. The Leader spoke of how the strategy would look to build upon that strong foundation and address any gaps within the boroughs cultural landscape.


Councillor Williams spoke about the excellent framing of culture in the report in the way that it included wider elements of culture such as the sporting and food and beverage offers within the area. The Executive Member gave credit to the consultants who had been involved in the creation of a very robust report which provided a much-needed recognition of the cultural value in the borough and the role the Council had in developing the cultural offer within Trafford.


Councillor Evans noted the level of funding for the role on page 22 of the report. Councillor Evans stated that £400 a day was lot of money and he felt it would be better served by having a full-time role. Councillor Evans then drew the Committee’s attention to Page 23 point 5.4 of the report which stated that future funding requirements would be met from external sources. Councillor Evans asked how certain of the funding was the Council, whether future meant after one two or three years, did the continuation of the strategy reliant upon that external funding. The Executive Member for Leisure, Culture, Art, and Heritage responded to Councillor Evans that the role was the result of a lot of research and looking at other areas where culture had thrived. While the role looked expensive the wage offered reflected the market rate for an individual with the right skills. By appointing such an individual, they would help to secure external funding through their role, which would continue to pay for the role and the delivery of the strategy.


Councillor Jerrome noted that there was a large amount of jargon within the report and felt that there was a lack of concrete outcomes listed within the strategy which could lead to a loss of the S106 funding that was being put into the strategy. The Executive Member for Leisure, Culture, Art, and Heritage responded that the strategy would be organic and continually changing in line with contributions coming from residents from all over the borough and the Executive Member encouraged all Council Members to get involved and input into the strategy utilising their local knowledge and expertise to ensure the strategy was a success. The Executive Member for Leisure, Culture, Art, and Heritage agreed with Councillor Jerrome around the amount jargon within the body of the report and felt that it reduced the accessibility of the document. The Corporate Director of Strategy and Resources noted the points raised about jargon in the Strategy and assured members that an easy read version had been developed and would be shared.


The Leader noted that CTC, who supported the creation of the strategy, were leaders in the field. The Leader expressed his confidence felt that the funding provided through delivery of the strategy would be key in unlocking the untapped creative and economic potential of the assets and abilities of the area and its residents.


Councillor Butt welcomed the report and noted how Trafford “Punched above its weight” in terms of the cultural assets the borough had. Councillor Butt drew the Committees attention to the works of groups listed in the strategy such as the third age which worked with those with disabilities and spoke of the value of their work. Asked another question at the end responded by Sara Saleh.


Councillor Ennis welcomed the report and asked for assurances around the night-time economy and education. In response the Corporate Director of Resources and Strategy recognised the need to provide assurance and stated that working was ongoing with members deliver that assurance.



1.That the report be noted.

2. That the Trafford Cultural Strategy be adopted and approved

3. That the implementation plan and the associated commitment of resources be approved.


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