Agenda item


To consider a report of the Executive Member for Supporting Children and Families.  TO FOLLOW


The Executive Member for Children & Young People’s Services submitted a report which set out the findings of the Trafford Children Centres public consultation, held from 22/10/12 to 14/1/13, and providing options and recommendations for the Executive’s consideration.


RESOLVED: That approval be given to the following recommendations:


(1)       To approve the proposal to reconfigure 16 Children Centres to 6 Hubs that align with the North, West and South Area Family Support Teams.


 (2)      To approve the revision of the identified Hub for the North Area in the original proposal from Lostock Childrens Centre (Leithwaite) to Stretford Childrens Centre.


(3)       To approve Sale Moor and Lostock (Leithwaite) Children Centres to remain open on a sessional basis as Child and Family Community Outreach (CFCO) bases.


(4)       To review the workforce to deliver the Hub and family outreach support service model.


(5)       To review the commissioning plan for external services, including renegotiating a reduced contribution to Bookstart.


(6)       To extend the age range to support children and young people aged 0-19years and the opening times of the Hubs.


(7)       To change the Hub opening times from 8.30am to 4.00pm (weekdays) and the family outreach support service  to be provided 8.00am to 6.00pm (weekdays, but evenings and weekends subject to service user needs).




Supporting documents: