Issue - decisions



1. That the position in relation to the current service provision for young people in Trafford be noted.

2. That the work underway to develop a comprehensive proposal for the future delivery of youth services in Trafford be noted.

3. That approval be given to the proposed arrangements in relation to Trafford Youth Trust as set out in the report in particular:

  • the transfer of responsibility from Trafford Youth Trust to the Council for existing contracts and grant agreements and any other potential liabilities;
  • the cessation of any funding obligations on the part of the Council in relation to the Trafford Youth Trust;
  • that the Council enters into a Transfer Agreement with Trafford Youth Trust to formally transfer liabilities and funding as set out in the report.

4. That authority be delegated to the Corporate Director for Governance and Community Strategy in consultation with the Acting Corporate Director for Children’s Services to agree the detailed terms of the proposed Transfer Agreement in accordance with the terms set out in the report.

5. That authority be delegated to the Corporate Director for Governance and Community Strategy to enter into the Transfer Agreement with the Trafford Youth Trust.