Issue - decisions

Greater Manchester's Clean Air Plan - Tackling Nitrogen Dioxide Exceedances at the Roadside - Further Supplementary Information to accompany the Outline Business Case - Notes 30 to 32

09/03/2020 - Greater Manchester's Clean Air Plan - Tackling Nitrogen Dioxide Exceedances at the Roadside - Further Supplementary Information to accompany the Outline Business Case - Notes 30 to 32

1. That the following documents be approved for submission to the government's Joint Air Quality Unit.


2. That their publication status be noted as set out in the report.


30.   GM CAP:  Alternative Sensitivity Test Modelling Summary

31.   GM CAP: Results of tests to assess the optimal charge levels for a Greater Manchester Clean Air Zone

32.   GM CAP: Option for Consultation – Incremental Measures Modelling