Issue - decisions

Altrincham Health and Wellbeing Hub - Lease

28/05/2020 - Altrincham Health and Wellbeing Hub - Lease


1. That approval be given for Trafford Council to enter into a 10 year lease from NHS Property Services for accommodation at Altrincham Hub and be party to a Licence to Underlet between Canada Life, NHS Property Service and Trafford Council.


2. That further approval be given to the Council to grant a subsequent Licence to Occupy to Manchester University NHS Trust to share occupation of the leased accommodation


3. That the Corporate Director for Place be authorised to agree any minor amendments that may be required to be made to the heads of terms in order to facilitate the grant of a lease. 


4. That the Corporate Director of Governance and Community Strategy be authorised to enter into any legal documents required to facilitate the appropriate transactions.