Issue - decisions

Petition - STOP signage on Woodbourne Road, Sale

05/10/2021 - Petition - STOP signage on Woodbourne Road, Sale

Petition organiser, Mrs. de Latour introduced the following petition containing 597 signatures, which had been presented to the Council:


“We the undersigned petition the Council to place clear and prominent STOP signage on Woodbourne Road, at the junction with Framingham Road.”


The lead petitioner addressed the Council and explained that the petition arose as a result of an accident that occurred at the junction in April 2021 which was the third accident of such nature that she could recall over the past few years, two of which happened in daylight with good visibility. Markings had been refreshed but irrespective of markings or signage it would appear that drivers were not aware that it was a junction. Over 350 houses had to use the junction as their only access point and Brooklands Primary School was located close to the junction generating a lot of pedestrian and vehicle traffic. In addition a sports field at the end of Woodbourne Road draws traffic from outside of the area which might not be familiar with the junction. Despite Greater Manchester Police not supporting STOP signage, it was clear from the strength of support that action was needed to improve the safety of the junction and to limit traffic and speed.


Councillor Adshead the Executive Member for Environment and Regulatory Services, Councillor Boyes the Deputy Mayor and Councillors Newgrosh and Welton responded to the petition on behalf of the political parties and made the following points:


Councillor Adshead: As Mrs. de Latour was aware, extensive discussions had been held with the police and highways engineers but unfortunately the junction did not conform to Department of Transport regulations. Whilst the location did not meet the national criteria, all parties believed that the safety of the junction needed to be improved and the enhancement of existing road signs and road markings had been actioned. Furthermore a review of local waiting restrictions would be undertaken and as part of the consultation, the Council would welcome any additional proposals to improve the safety of the area.


Councillor Boyes: Supportive of the petition and commented on the recent accidents and the concerns for safety. Being aware of STOP signage at another comparative location, could not understand why the same signage could not be placed at a potentially very dangerous junction.


Councillor Newgrosh: Supported the petition and all the safety measures subsequently proposed for such a dangerous junction.


Councillor Welton: Supported the petition and further to the Executive Member’s appeal for suggestions, advocated a 20mph zone and a School Street scheme stating that the area around should be a low traffic neighbourhood and that Framingham Road needed to be filtered and not a through road.


Following the discussion the Deputy Leader of the Council, Councillor Hynes thanked Mrs. de Latour and the residents for bringing the petition to Council and summarised the action the Council planned to take.


Acknowledging the response from Greater Manchester Police, the Department of Transport’s regulations and that the Council was unable to implement the petition’s proposal, the Deputy Leader affirmed that there were a number of supplemental measures that the Council wanted to introduce and that the Council would also engage with Mrs. de Latour around alternative suggestions in an effort to work towards a solution.