
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the Executive (at meetings or by individual Executive Members) since May 2013.

Officer decisions are also included in this section. Planning and Building Control decisions can be found in the planning section of the Council's website.

Decisions published

19/11/2019 - Seamon's Road, Altrincham - Width Restrictions ref: 860    Recommendations Approved

Following numerous repairs to the parapet walls on Seamon’s Moss Bridge, the Council, in conjunction with the Bridgewater Canal company, agreed to introduce in September 2018, width restrictions on Seamon’s Road to discourage oversized vehicles crossing the 240-year-old bridge. It is proposed that the width restrictions, with some minor amendments, now be made permanent.

Decision Maker: Corporate Director Place

Decision published: 02/12/2019

Effective from: 19/11/2019


1)          That authorisation be given to advertise the intention to introduce the Traffic Regulation Order, as detailed in the schedule to the report and that, if no objections are maintained the Order be made and implemented in whole or in part.


2)          That any objections maintained be reported back for consideration.

Lead officer: Dorothy Stagg

11/11/2019 - Broad Lane Area, Hale Barns ref: 858    Recommendations Approved

To remove the obstructive parking and consequent access and congestion issues for both vehicles and pedestrians, at the Broad Lane/Hale Road and Broad Lane/Ashmeade junctions and along Broad Lane. The proposals would improve safe access for all road users and would be of a particular benefit in improving safe pedestrian access along Broad Lane where there were instances of footways being obstructed.

Decision Maker: Corporate Director Place

Decision published: 02/12/2019

Effective from: 11/11/2019


1.          That the introduction of waiting restrictions on Broad Lane, Hale Road and Ashmeade, as detailed on plan reference E9024-01 A, be approved.


2.          That formal consultation be carried out with nearby residents at each location and that any objections maintained be reported back for consideration.


3.          That authorisation be given to advertise the intention to introduce the Traffic Regulation Order as detailed in the Schedules to this report, and that if no objections are maintained, the Order be made and implemented in whole or in part.

Lead officer: Dorothy Stagg