
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the Executive (at meetings or by individual Executive Members) since May 2013.

Officer decisions are also included in this section. Planning and Building Control decisions can be found in the planning section of the Council's website.

Decisions published

18/08/2020 - Trafford Park - Local Testing Station (LTS) ref: 944    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Economy and Regeneration

Decision published: 02/09/2020

Effective from: 18/08/2020


1. That approval be given for Trafford Council to grant a licence to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government for a site on 11th Avenue, Trafford Park, on the Heads of Terms as attached to the report.


2. That the Corporate Director for Place be authorised to agree any minor amendments that may be required to be made to the heads of terms in order to facilitate the grant of a licence.


3. That the Corporate Director of Governance and Community Strategy be authorised to enter into any legal documents required to facilitate the appropriate transactions.


4. That this report be considered as 'urgent business' and the decision exempted from the call-in process, for the reasons set out in the report.

Lead officer: Richard Roe

27/08/2020 - Broad Lane, Hale - Proposed Waiting Restrictions - Consideration Of Objections ref: 943    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Environmental Services

Decision published: 02/09/2020

Effective from: 10/09/2020


1. That the results of the consultation and objections received be noted.


2. That following careful consideration of the objections and comments received, authorisation be given to make and introduce the Traffic Regulation Order as advertised, as detailed in Schedule 1 and as shown on Drawing E9024-01 Rev A within the report, as soon as is practicable.


3. That the objectors be notified of the Council’s decision.

Lead officer: Richard Roe