Decision details


Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


1. That the changes made to the financial model be noted and that support be reaffirmed for the establishment of a Regional Adoption Agency between Stockport, Manchester, Trafford, Salford and Cheshire East local authorities as outlined in the report dated 23rd January 2017.


2. That the agreement of the terms of the proposed Partnership Agreement as outlined in the report be delegated to the Corporate Director, Children, Families and Well-being in consultation with the Director of Legal and Democratic Services; and that the Corporate Director, Children, Families and Well-being be authorised to enter into the Agreement on behalf of the Council.


3. That this decision be deemed to be urgent, for the reasons set out in paragraph 5.0 of the report, and not subject to call-in.

Urgent item?: Yes

Report author: Corporate Director - Children, Families and Wellbeing

Publication date: 27/06/2017

Date of decision: 26/06/2017

Decided at meeting: 26/06/2017 - Executive

Accompanying Documents: