Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
(1) That the proposals for the Development, be noted.
(2) Thar progression to RIBA Stage 3 and 4 design and then the delivery of 53 homes on the site (the Development), be approved.
(3) That the Corporate Director of Place be delegated authority to:
a. Submit a planning application and undertake the Development, subject to the parameters in the report;
b. engage external professional resources as required to assist in implementing the Development;
c. Negotiate and finalise any agreement contract or other document required to deliver the Development and any associated disposals;
d. agree any licence or approve the grant of any easement or lease or any other disposal, including where that disposal taken in isolation would constitute a disposal at undervalue, which is designed or intended to implement or facilitate the Development; and
e. authorise a marketing, pricing and disposal strategy and authorise the sale of plots including where the anticipated or actual capital receipt exceeds £499,999.
(4) That the Director of Legal and Governance be authorised to enter into all legal agreements required to implement the above decisions.
Report author: Place
Publication date: 19/12/2024
Date of decision: 18/12/2024
Decided at meeting: 18/12/2024 - Executive
Effective from: 04/01/2025
Accompanying Documents: