Issue - meetings


Meeting: 15/07/2020 - Accounts and Audit Committee (Item 48)


To consider a report of the Corporate Director, Governance and Community Strategy.

Additional documents:


The Audit and Assurance Manager introduced a report of the Corporate Director of Governance and Community Strategy which set out the Draft 2019/20 Annual Governance Statement (AGS). Members were advised that the preparation and publication of an AGS was necessary to meet the statutory requirement set out in the Accounts and Audit Regulations. Due to COVID-19, the timing for the statutory completion of the AGS had been changed this year as set out in the Accounts and Audit (Coronavirus) (Amendment) Regulations 2020. The content of the draft AGS had been reviewed and agreed by CLT, including agreeing significant governance issues detailed in the draft, which had also been shared with External Audit to accompany the 2019/20 draft accounts. The AGS had been produced taking into account both the framework and guidance on the AGS issued by CIPFA/SOLACE in April 2016. The final version would take into account any further feedback from this Committee and would accompany the Council’s Accounts, with the final version being signed off by the Leader of the Council and Chief Executive.


In discussion, Members were advised of a small number of minor amendments which were already under consideration; and it was requested that any further comments / observations from Members be passed to the Corporate Director of Governance and Community Strategy or Mr. A Murray (Governance Services).


RESOLVED – That the content of the report, and the process which it set out to finalise the AGS, be noted.