Issue - meetings

2019/20 ACCOUNTS

Meeting: 26/11/2020 - Accounts and Audit Committee (Item 9)

2019/20 ACCOUNTS

To consider a report of the Corporate Director, Finance and Systems.For approval.

Additional documents:


The Director of Finance was in attendance to introduce a report of the Corporate Director of Finance and Systemswhich presented the redrafted Final Accounts for 2019/20, as they currently stood at the time that the report was issued with the Committee’s agenda and pending any changes prior to the completion of the audit, envisaged by 30th November 2020. It was noted that amendments had been made to the draft accounts to accommodate changes currently agreed with the Council’s external auditor during their audit. These closely reflected the issues highlighted and discussed in consideration of the Audit Completion Report earlier in the agenda.


In introducing the report the Director of Finance highlighted some of the most notable features of the Accounts, including in respect of their extent and complexity, and, in particular, levels of reserves, a significant increase in assets disclosed on the balance sheet, and various aspects of the Collection Fund.


As discussed earlier on the agenda, it was noted that there was a possibility that a small number of outstanding issues might delay the anticipated completion of the accounts by 30th November. In this light it was agreed that the proposed delegation arrangement in relation to the formal approval of the accounts should remain open ended.


            RESOLVED –


(1)       That the Accounts as they currently stand, having been reviewed by the Committee, be noted.


(2)       That authority be delegated to the Chair of the Accounts and Audit Committee and the Corporate Director of Finance and Systems to approve the Final Accounts for 2019/20.