To receive a presentation from the Director of Procurement.
The Director of Procurement was in attendance to introduce a presentation setting out key aspects of the performance of the STAR procurement service during the past year, and its business plan and objectives for 2021-4. Plans were noted for the alignment of Social Value measures to the Council’s corporate priorities, and for the broader “Social Value Organisation” pilot, which would be considered by the Executive in due course.
An opportunity was provided for Members to raise questions on the presentation’s content. These focussed on the calculation of savings achieved; different aspects of “social value”; the distinction between numbers of bidders and percentage of spend recorded as being retained within Greater Manchester; and the balance between retained expenditure across STAR’s component partners, on which further detail would be provided outside the meeting. It was noted that further updates would be brought to the Committee on a periodic basis.
RESOLVED – That the content of the presentation, and the issues raised by Members, be noted.