Issue - meetings


Meeting: 23/01/2023 - Executive (Item 64)

64 FAIR PRICE FOR CARE pdf icon PDF 352 KB

To consider a report of the Executive Member for Adult Social Care.


1)    That the outcome of the consultation be noted

2)    Considers the response to the consultation

3)    That the following fee rates be approved for implementation from April 2023:


·                 Homecare : 8.74% inflationary uplift  -  this equates to £19.66 p/hr for framework homecare providers.

·                 Residential and Nursing Care Homes : 9.17% inflationary uplift

·                 Residential Bed Rate: £657.90

·                 Nursing Bed Rate:       £735.43


4)    The Executive confirm that in approving the above, it has taken into consideration the Council’s Public Sector Equality duty.


The Executive Member for Adult Social Care introduced the report and informed the Committee that it was a statutory requirement for the Council to consult with providers on the fair price for care. The Executive Member for Adult Social Care explained the steps that had been taken as part of the consultation and the process for determining the final uplift. The exercise had reached final figures of an 8.47% uplift for Home Care and a 9.17% uplift for Residential and Nursing Homes.


Councillor Whetton welcomed the report and the size of the reward obtained.

The Leader thanked the Executive Member for Adult Social Services and the Corporate Director for Adults and Wellbeing for their work in producing the report. The Leader then moved the recommendations, and they were approved.



1)  That the outcome of the consultation be noted

2)  Considers the response to the consultation

3)  That the following fee rates be approved for implementation from April 2023:

·     Homecare: 8.74% inflationary uplift - this equates to £19.66 p/hr for framework homecare providers.

·     Residential and Nursing Care Homes: 9.17% inflationary uplift

·     Residential Bed Rate: £657.90

·     Nursing Bed Rate:       £735.43


4)  The Executive confirm that in approving the above, it has taken into consideration the Council’s Public Sector Equality duty.