Issue - meetings


Meeting: 13/03/2023 - Executive (Item 103)


To consider a report of the Executive Member for Adult Social Care.


That the Executive:


1.    Approved the proposal to enter into a Section 75 Strategic Partnership Agreement for the integrated delivery of Health and Social Care services with Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust for 2023-24 as detailed in the report;


2.    Delegated authority to the Executive member for Adult Social Care, in consultation with the Corporate Director Adults & Wellbeing and the Director of Legal and Governance to agree the revised terms and conditions of the Section 75 agreement for 2023-24;


3.    Noted the proposal to undertake a detailed holistic review of s75 arrangements during 2023/24 with a view to a further new s75 agreement for 2024/25. which will align with the development of Trafford Local Care Organisation (TLCO) target operating model setting out a clear three-year vision for the 2 LCO;


4.    Noted that the renewal of the section 75 is a key enabling and strategic tool to develop closer working arrangement through 2023/24 and beyond.


The Executive Member for Adult Social Care presented the Executive with a report on the s75 Strategic Partnership Agreement for the integrated delivery of health and social care services in Trafford 2023/24.


It was noted that the original s75 partnership agreement had been in place since 1st October 2019. Trafford Council and Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust (MFT) made a commitment to periodically review and revise the partnership agreement to ensure the viability of the delivery of health and social care integrated services through the legal framework of a Section 75 agreement under the National Health Service Act, 2006. 


The report presented details of a proposal to review and refresh the current s75 Strategic Partnership Agreement between Trafford Council and MFT and to enter into a new s75 agreement for the integrated delivery of health and social care services in Trafford during 2023/24.


The Executive Member also provided details of a detailed holistic review of the s75 arrangements during 2023/24 with a view to a further new s75 agreement for 2024/25. The proposed review would align with the development of Trafford Local Care Organisation (TLCO) target operating model setting out a clear three-year vision for the LCO. 




That the Executive:


1.    Approved the proposal to enter into a Section 75 Strategic Partnership Agreement for the integrated delivery of Health and Social Care services with Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust for 2023-24 as detailed in the report;


2.    Delegated authority to the Executive member for Adult Social Care, in consultation with the Corporate Director of Adults and Wellbeing and the Director of Legal and Governance to agree the revised terms and conditions of the Section 75 agreement for 2023-24;


3.    Noted the proposal to undertake a detailed holistic review of s75 arrangements during 2023/24 with a view to a further new s75 agreement for 2024/25. which will align with the development of Trafford Local Care Organisation (TLCO) target operating model setting out a clear three-year vision for the 2 LCO;


4.    Noted that the renewal of the section 75 is a key enabling and strategic tool to develop closer working arrangement through 2023/24 and beyond.