Issue - meetings


Meeting: 25/09/2023 - Executive (Item 42)


To consider a report from the Executive Member for Economy and Regeneration.


That the recommendations of the report be approved.


The Executive Member for Economy and Regeneration gave a brief introduction to the report summarising the main salient points, pointing out the work that had been done in consideration of the Councils options, and asking the Committee to approve the recommendations.


The Leader welcomed the report and opened the floor for comments and questions from Executive Members.


The Executive Member for Housing and Advice welcomed the report and spoke in support of the recommendations.


The Leader then opened the floor to the other Members in attendance.


The Leader of the Green Party welcomed the report and its recommendations.  The Councillor then spoke of the communities’ interest in this area and expressed his hopes for public consultation going forward. The Executive Member for Housing and Advice welcomed the positive comments but urged caution regarding the recommendations as they were still being finalised.


A Member of the Conservative Party informed the Committee that they had not received the Part II reports until they requested them on the morning of the meeting and so did not have adequate time to go through the reports in detail. The Governance Officer confirmed that the Part II papers had not been circulated to opposition Members due to an administrative error, but assured the Committee that the error had been rectified as soon as they became aware of it.


The Leader noted the concerns around the accessibility of papers and confirmed that the Executive Members had received the papers in the statutory timeframe. The Leader then moved the recommendations of the report which were approved.



1)    That the report be noted.

2)    That the recommendations of the report be approved.