Issue - meetings


Meeting: 01/12/2015 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 32)


To receive a presentation of the Acting Corporate Director, Children, Families and Wellbeing, and the Chief Operating Officer, NHS Trafford CCG.

Additional documents:


The Board received a presentation of the Corporate Director, Children, Families and Wellbeing providing details of Trafford’s Locality Plan. The presentation detailed the Plan’s Principles for Change, the Trafford Care Coordination Centre (TCCC), suggested changes to service areas, and the next steps to be taken.


The Board thanked the Corporate Director, Children, Families and Wellbeing for the presentation. It was confirmed that the execution of the Locality Plan was not dependant on being granted the additional funding as part of the Greater Manchester Devolution Agreement. If these funds were made available, the work could be accelerated.


The Director of Commissioning for Greater Manchester, NHS England confirmed that the ten Greater Manchester Locality Plans would come together to help create the Clinical and Financial Strategy Plan. Each Locality Plan would be given equal consideration and would be unique to each Locality and its needs. The aim would be to have ten Plans that come together to benefit Greater Manchester as a whole.


It was confirmed that the presentation would be circulated to Board Members.


            RESOLVED: That the presentation be noted.

Meeting: 22/09/2015 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 19)


To receive a presentation of the Acting Director Service Development Children, Family & Education, and the Head of Governance, Planning & Risk at Trafford Clinical Commissioning Group.


The Board received a presentation of the Acting Corporate Director, Children, Families and Wellbeing, the Acting Director Service Development Children, Family & Education, and the Head of Governance, Planning & Risk at Trafford Clinical Commissioning Group. It was confirmed that an electronic copy of the presentation would be circulated to Members after the meeting.


The presentation gave the Board a progress update on Health & Social Care Devolution and how this related to the Locality Plan. The background and vision of the Greater Manchester Devolution plans were outlined, before moving on to discuss the strategic plans. There was an emphasis on making significant progress on closing the financial gap, with a view of achieving fiscal neutrality.


The Board were informed of the governance structures in place including the Greater Manchester Strategic Partnership Board and the Greater Manchester Joint Commissioning Board. Governance developed at Greater Manchester level would be supplemented by increasingly integrated arrangements at a locality / district level.


Board Members were advised that a working group had been established to draft the Locality Plan, chaired by the Acting Corporate Director for Children, Families & Wellbeing. The plan would articulate the health and social care vision for 2020 and how the financial gap in funding would be delivered. The Trafford Care Coordination Centre would be positioned as the ‘big idea’, and from this all other transformational developments would be positioned.


Finally, the Board were made aware that further engagement events had been planned; one for 6 October 2015, and another would be arranged for the third week in October, 2015.


Questions were asked about Trafford’s responsibilities regarding the £2billion budget deficit and how this would fit in with the Locality Plan. It was advised that the corporate social responsibilities would be revealed on 25 November, giving a clearer picture of the situation. Questions were also answered regarding the Trafford Care Coordination Centre’s design and function, and it was agreed that the Trafford Clinical Commissioning Group and the Central Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust would get together to discuss this further. It was confirmed that the Locality Plan would be made available to the public once complete.


            RESOLVED: That the presentation be noted.