Venue: Committee Rooms 2 and 3, Trafford Town Hall, Talbot Road, Stretford, M32 0TH
Contact: Alexander Murray Governance Officer
No. | Item |
To consider a report of the Chief Executive. Minutes: The Chief Executive introduced the report and explained that it formalised some interim arrangements that had been in place for a number of months. The arrangements were originally brought in when the Chief Executive went off for a long period and the Corporate Director for Strategy and Resources became Deputy Chief Executive and the interim Director of Human Resources post was created. The report detailed that due to the Chief Executive taking on the role as Place Based Lead for the Health and Care the Corporate Director for Strategy and Resource would continue in the Deputy Chief Executive role, to provide additional senior level support. The report also contained confirmation of the decision to re-establish the Director of Human Resources post with the intention of appointing permanently to post in order to provide sufficient leadership capacity to deliver the Council’s corporate priorities and ambitions.
Following the introduction questions were raised by Councillor Ennis and Councillor Acton. Detailed responses were provided and the Councillors were satisfied with the answers received.
The Chair then moved the recommendations of the report, which were approved.
RESOLVED: 1) That the report be noted. 2) That the confirmation of the Chief Executive in the Place Lead role at Trafford Locality Board in December 2022 and formalisation of the Deputy Chief Executive role be noted.
3) That the Strategy and Resources functional portfolio as outlined in the structure chart attached at Appendix 1 of the report be noted.
4) That the decision to re-establish the Director of Human Resources post on the council Director scale SM3, £92,007 attached at Appendix 2 of the report, the role profile for the post, and the intention to recruit to the post on a permanent basis be noted.
DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC HEALTH RECRUITMENT PDF 210 KB To consider a report of the Interim Director of Human Resources. Minutes: The Chair asked the Committee to note that as the salary for the position detailed within the report was above £100,000 it would need to go to Full Council the following week.
The Interim Head of Human Resources introduced the report and stated that it was coming to the committee as the current post holder was looking to retire. Informed the committee that this was a statutory position and so would involve the Secretary of State’s representative in the appointment. The Interim Head of Human Resources spoke about the importance of the roll and the great work that the current post holder had done to maintain and improve the health of people in Trafford. The Interim Head of Human Resources asked the committee to note the thanks of the directorate for the work the current postholder had done. The Interim Head of Human Resources then detailed the process that would be followed to find and appoint a replacement. The Interim Head of Human Resources concluded the introduction by going over the recommendations of the report.
The Head of Legal and Governance noted that the item that had been added at short notice and informed the Committee that there had been some reflection since the report was published due to some ambiguity within the constitution around approval of roles. Head of Legal and Governance assured the Committee that the Council had opted to take the most open and transparent approach to that ambiguity which meant that the recommendations of the report were amended to include the recommendation of the report to full Council by the Committee. The Head of Legal and Governance also assured the Committee that an amendment would be made to the constitution as part of the annual review to address the ambiguity.
Following the introductions Councillors Acton and Hornby asked questions about regarding the stepping down of the current post holder and the appointment of their replacement. The Interim Head of Human Resources responded to the Councillors and provided details as to when the current post holder was stepping down and the work the Council were undertaking to ensure their replacement was of a high calibre.
The Chair stated that the Committee thanked the Director of Public Health for all of their work for the Council and the People of Trafford.
RESOLVED: 1) That the report be noted. 2) That the uplift of the salary for the Director of Public Health post, up to £105,000, in recognition of pay comparisons across Greater Manchester be noted and recommended to Full Council. 3) That the recruitment arrangements in progress with the Faculty of Public Health be noted. 4) That the Committee’s thanks for all the work of the Director of Public Health be noted.