Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Trafford Town Hall, Talbot Road, Stretford

Contact: Ian Cockill,  Senior Democratic Officer

No. Item


Conferment of the Title of Honorary Alderman pdf icon PDF 208 KB

To consider a report of the Director of Legal and Governance recommending that the title of Honorary Alderman be conferred on former Councillors Patrick Myers and Lawrence Walsh.


The Director of Legal and Governance submitted a report proposing that the title of Honorary Alderman be conferred on former Councillors Patrick Myers and Laurence Walsh.


The report advised that Section 249 of the Local Government Act 1972 provided for the Council to confer the title of Honorary Alderman on persons who have, in its opinion, rendered eminent service to the Council as past Members of this Council but who are no longer Councillors.


The Leaders and nominated speakers of the Political groups on the Council were extremely pleased to support a Motion to confer the honour of Honorary Alderman upon Mr. Myers and Mr. Walsh and paid tribute to their efforts and outstanding contributions on behalf of Trafford and the communities they had served.


Former Councillor Patrick Myers was elected to Trafford Council in 1991 representing Hale Ward for 8 years until he stood down to concentrate on managing his Optical Practice. During his tenure, he served as Chair of the Finance Committee and of the Licensing Panel. Former Councillor Myers returned to the Council in 2008 representing Hale Barns Ward until his retirement in 2023. He served as Executive Member for Finance and Governance and as Deputy Leader of the Council. Especially interested in education, in 1991, the former Councillor was elected to serve as a governor at Well Green Primary School, where for the last 27 years he has been the chair of governors. Beyond Trafford, he was a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers and holds the Freedom of the City of London. As a Ward Councillor, he always considered the interests of the people of Hale and Hale Barns, supporting residents’ casework. Together with ward colleagues he was actively involved with community groups and played a leading part in community events.


Former Councillor Laurence Walsh served the Gorse Hill community as a Talbot Ward and then a Gorse Hill Ward representative for 24 years. He has been a strong voice for his community throughout and a keen volunteer in the local community and had supported many community projects over the years such as working with young people, the homeless, “Fun day’s in Gorse Hill Park” and “Litter Picks” in Gorse Hill Ward. He had served on a number of internal committees in his time on the Council, in particular as Chair of the Planning Committee, along with being appointed to a range of outside bodies. Former Councillor Walsh was a former Mayor of Trafford and without doubt, given his enormous contribution to our Borough, the Council considered he met the criteria necessary to be awarded Alderman Status.


Having been moved, seconded and supported, the Motion was unanimously agreed by the Council and it was, therefore:-


RESOLVED: That, being of the opinion that former Councillor Patrick Myers and former Councillor Laurence Walsh, have rendered eminent services as past members of the Council, the Council, under the provisions of the Local Government Act 1972, hereby confers the title of Honorary Alderman upon former Councillor Patrick  ...  view the full minutes text for item 17.