Venue: Committee Room 2 and 3, Trafford Town Hall, Talbot Road, Stretford, M32 0TH
Contact: Alexander Murray Governance Officer
No. | Item |
COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP 2022/23 PDF 107 KB To note the Membership of the Committee for the 2022/23 municipal year, including the appointment of Chair and Vice Chair, as agreed at the Annual Council Meeting 25th May 2022. Minutes: RESOLVED: That the Membership be noted. |
COMMITTEE TERMS OF REFERENCE 2022/23 PDF 114 KB To note the Committee’s Terms of Reference for the 2022/23 municipal year as agreed at Annual Council 25th May 2022. Minutes: RESOLVED: That the Terms of Reference be noted. |
To receive and, if so determined, to agree as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 9 March 2022.
Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held 9March 2022 be agreed as an accurate record. |
QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC A maximum of 15 minutes will be allocated to public questions submitted in writing to Democratic Services ( by 4 p.m. on the working day prior to the meeting. Questions must be within the remit of the Committee or be relevant to items appearing on the agenda and will be submitted in the order in which they were received. Minutes: No questions were received. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members to give notice of any interest and the nature of that interest relating to any item on the agenda in accordance with the adopted Code of Conduct. Minutes: The following declarations of interest were made: Councillor Lloyd in relation to her position as a Trustee of the Trafford Domestic Abuse Service. Councillor Brophy in relation to her employment by Manchester Foundation Trust. Councillor Taylor in relation to her employment within the NHS. |
ALTRINCHAM MINOR INJURIES UNIT PDF 221 KB To consider the attached report. Minutes: Councillor Whetton introduced the item and expressed that he had wanted to consider this at the first meeting of the year due to local concern about the Minor Injuries Unit. The Chair noted that a review was ongoing and more in-depth information would not be available until later in the municipal year.
The Director of Strategy for MFT gave an overview of the report provided to the Committee. The Committee were informed that the Minor Injuries Unit had been closed during the pandemic due to the need to provide safe conditions while dealing with staffing pressures. While the staffing pressures remained within MFT the organisation had reached a point where an options appraisal could be conducted, with support from Trafford CCG, over July and August with the view of reopening the unit as soon as it was safely practicable to do so.
Following the overview Councillor Akinola asked what impact the closure had on other services. The Director of Commissioning for Trafford CCG responded that she would share the exact information after the meeting, although the closure would have impacted Wythenshawe hospital.
Councillor Taylor noted that one of the main reasons listed for the closure was the lack of sufficiently qualified staff to fill roles within the unit and asked whether they had looked at further recruitment. The Director of Strategy for MFT responded that it was difficult to recruit staff to those rolls due to job’s specialised requirements. MFT were in the process of training more staff, but it took two years to gain the required qualifications. Councillor Taylor asked whether MFT had looked at recruiting any other health care professionals to fill positions and The Director of Strategy for MFT responded that he would have to provide the information after the meeting, as he did not have it to hand.
The Corporate Director for Adult Services informed the Committee that the options appraisal would come back to the Committee as part of the larger piece of work around the urgent care strategy and would link into the changes to the Integrated Care System and the demand changes with elective care recovery plans etc.
Councillor Young asked whether it would be possible to have less qualified staff at the Minor Injuries Unit who could take care of lesser injuries and signpost residents if more serious treatment was required. The Councillor spoke of a resident from Stretford who had gone to Trafford General for minor burns and was told that they would have a 7 hour wait and ended up leaving to go to a pharmacist instead. The Director of Strategy for MFT responded that through the options appraisal and urgent care strategy MFT would look at how to re-open the Minor Injuries Unit safely and effectively to ensure that residents had access to the right care in a timely manner.
Councillor Hartley asked about the root cause of the national issues in recruiting EMPs and whether there were any plans which would address those issues. The Director of Strategy ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
INTEGRATED CARE SYSTEM To consider the attached presentation. Additional documents: Minutes: The Health and Social Care Programme Director gave an overview of the update on behalf of Joint Accountable Officer for Trafford CCG. The paper provided gave a detailed update, which presented the readiness assessment for Trafford as a locality and what would be in place from day one. The report also covered all the work done to close Trafford CCG. The Health and Social Care Programme Director then picked out the key points from the paper about how the readiness assessment was completed and the core components needed for the Trafford Locality to be effective on day one.
The Health and Social Care Programme Director stated that Trafford were in the best possible place given the uncertainty from Greater Manchester and the lateness in some of the decision making. The six teams of the CCG were due to transfer over on the 1st of July with the senior leadership team continuing to provide leadership for those teams. In addition, a number of shadow governance arrangements would come into effect with Terms of Reference having been agreed.
The local governance arrangements were in place with the Provider Collaborative Board, the Trafford Clinical and Practitioner Senate, and the Locality Board (which sat across the other Boards) all up and running. Those Boards were the key components Trafford needed in place for the new Trafford Integrated Care Partnership to be established and the structure was depicted within the report in the governance diagram. The report also contained information on how the six teams from Trafford CCG would move into the new system and be under the leadership of the Place Based Leader, which was to be the Council’s Chief Executive. The process of appointing the Deputy Place Base Leader was still underway and it was hoped that would be concluded by the end of the following week.
One of the main positives for Trafford was that the Locality Board had been in place for over 12 months and been a driving force throughout the transformation process. A revised terms of reference were to be taken to the July board to update the roles responsibilities and format of the Locality Board. Eventually the Locality Board would become responsible for the Trafford CCG and Trafford Council's section 75 agreements with sufficient co-chairing arrangements in place. The balance between local government and the NHS was pivotal and needed to be reflected in the new chairing arrangements. A workgroup was considering different options and the outcome of that work would be presented to the Locality Board for agreement.
The Health and Social Care Programme Director then detailed the other key elements from the report, which included the work on developing a resilient discharge to assess program and neighbourhood model. The Committee were assured that work was ongoing around holding the new Integrated Health and Care System accountable through system metrics and the identification of outcomes to be achieved. Clinical and care professional leadership would be provided by the Clinical and Practitioner Senate, which was up and running. ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
EQUALITIES STRATEGY To consider the attached report. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Consultant in Public Health gave an overview of the slides that had been circulated with the agenda. The Committee were informed that health inequalities were avoidable and systematic differences in health between different groups of people and the pandemic had exacerbated those inequalities for example, alcohol mortality in Trafford had increased by 50 percent between 2019 and 2020. Health inequalities had been identified as a top priority for the Council, the NHS, and for the wider system. Social determinants of health drove health inequalities and made it easier or harder for individuals to live a healthy life. Trafford often compared data with other Greater Manchester authorities which could mask issues in Trafford, as the borough had good health outcomes in comparison with GM generally. However, when the differences between equality groups and between affluent and deprived areas within the borough were looked at the level of health inequalities were quite stark.
Slide 11 of the presentation showed the proposed neighbourhood model which was focused upon early intervention and prevention and keeping people healthy within their communities to ensure equitable access to services, so they received the right care in the right place at the right time. The Health and Wellbeing Board review had reshaped the Board to be focused upon reducing health inequalities. A series of deep dive exercises were planned with system leaders to home in on the key issues and identify work which would have the greatest impact in reducing health inequalities.
The Director of Commissioning for Trafford CCG explained the importance of reducing health inequalities from an NHS perspective. The NHS planning guidance challenged all areas to tackle health inequalities and to show they were reducing inequalities across eight key areas, which would be monitored and benchmarked against other localities. The Director of Commissioning for Trafford CCG highlighted that there was a common thread of reducing health inequalities which ran through all the strategies and work across all health services. Work was ongoing on the core 20PLUS5, which was designed to support Integrated Care Systems’ by focusing upon the identification of practical solutions to improve outcomes within the 20% most deprived areas of the Country and for those who had poor outcomes within each locality across five key clinical areas.
The Director of Commissioning for Trafford CCG informed the Committee that there was a need to move away from a one-size-fits-all commissioning or transformation approach to one focused upon tackling inequalities. The approach would require difficult conversations about the allocation of funding to ensure the greatest outcomes from the finite resource available. This, in turn, would rely upon the utilisation of data provided by public health colleagues regarding the wider determinants impacting the health of the population. The Director of Commissioning for Trafford CCG stated that health professionals had to move away from thinking along the standard medical model to an inequality reduction model. The Director of Commissioning for Trafford CCG added that the transition to the new model of working would create new challenges and ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
COMMITTEE WORK PROGRAM 2022/23 PDF 390 KB To consider the draft work program of the Committee for the 2022/23 municipal year. Minutes: The Chair introduced the item and asked Members to consider the draft work program for the municipal year then opened the floor for questions, comments, and suggestions from Members.
Councillor Brophy asked whether any task and finish groups had been set up. The Chair responded that none had been set up yet but if there was a topic which the Committee felt that such work could have impact then they could be set up. Councillor Western spoke of the advantages of having task and finish groups and suggested that the Committee select one or two items to be task and finish groups pieces of work for the year.
Councillor Lloyd noted that the Committee were generally noting reports ad asked if there was a way that they could do more active work. The Chair responded that he hoped the Committee could move to having a greater impact and making recommendations rather than simply noting reports.
The Committee then discussed a series of possible topics which included access to GPs following the Pandemic, Councillor involvement in community engagement, the impact of the pandemic on children and young people’s mental health services, and access to dentistry. Due to dentistry being an area where the Committee had limited influence it was agreed it would be an item for an agenda but not a task and finish group. It was agreed that the other three would be considered for task and finish group work. The Corporate Director for Adults Services stated that briefing packs could be put together for the Committee on mental health services once a task and finish group had been established. The Health and Social Care Programme Director and the Consultant in Public Health both expressed that they would welcome and support the Committee’s involvement in community engagement.
RESOLVED: 1) That the draft work programme be agreed. 2) That access to GPs following the pandemic, Councillor involvement in community engagement, and access to children and young people’s mental health services following the Pandemic be considered as topics for Task and Finish Groups.