Venue: Council Chamber, Trafford Town Hall, Talbot Road, Stretford, Manchester, M32 0TH
Contact: Natalie Owen Democratic Officer
No. | Item |
To receive and if so determined, to approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 17th October 2024. Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 17 October be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
QUESTIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC A maximum of 15 minutes will be allocated to public questions submitted in writing to Democratic Services ( by 4pm on the working day prior to the meeting. Questions must be within the remit of the Sub-Committee or be relevant to items appearing on the agenda and will be submitted in the order in which they were received. Minutes: No questions were received. |
EXCLUSION RESOLUTION (REMAINING ITEMS) Motion (Which may be amended as Members think fit):
That the public be excluded from this meeting during consideration of the remaining items on the agenda, because of the likelihood of disclosure of “exempt information” which falls within one or more descriptive category or categories of the Local Government Act 1972, Schedule 12A, as amended by The Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006, and specified on the agenda item or report relating to each such item respectively. Minutes: RESOLVED: That the public be excluded because of the likelihood of disclosure of “exempt information” which falls within one or more descriptive category or categories of the Local Government Act 1972, Schedule 12A, as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006, as specified on the agenda item or report relating to each such item respectively.
APPLICATION FOR THE GRANT OF A NEW PRIVATE HIRE DRIVER'S LICENCE - PREVIOUS LICENCE REVOKED - APPEAL WITHDRAWN To consider a report of the Head of Regulatory Services. Minutes: The Head of Regulatory Services submitted a report requesting members to consider an application for a Private Hire driver’s licence. The applicant’s previous licence had been revoked in March 2024. Mr. I. M appealed to Manchester magistrates court, but the appeal was subsequently withdrawn in October 2024 after he failed to apply to renew his licence before the expiry date.
The applicant attended the meeting to enable members to give the matter their full consideration.
The applicant answered questions from members of the sub-committee.
The Sub-Committee considered the report and evidence given at the meeting and concluded that the applicant was not a fit and proper person to hold a Private Hire driver’s licence.
RESOLVED: That Mr. I. M.’s application for a Private Hire driver’s licence be refused. |
APPLICATION FOR THE GRANT OF A NEW PRIVATE HIRE DRIVER’S LICENCE WHICH HAS DISCLOSED OFFENCES AGAINST THE APPLICANT To consider a report of the Head of Regulatory Services. Minutes: The Head of Regulatory Services submitted a report requesting members to consider an application for a Private Hire driver’s licence that has disclosed a conviction against the applicant.
The applicant attended the meeting to enable members to give the matter their full consideration.
The applicant answered questions from members of the sub-committee.
The Sub-Committee considered the report and evidence given at the meeting and concluded that the applicant was a fit and proper person to hold a licence.
RESOLVED: That Mr. P. I’s application for a Private Hire driver’s licence be granted.