Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Rooms 2 & 3, Trafford Town Hall, Talbot Road, Stretford, Manchester, M32 0TH

Contact: Miss Natalie Owen  Governance Officer

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No. Item


APPLICATION FOR THE GRANT OF A NEW PREMISES LICENCE UNDER S17 LICENSING ACT 2003 at: Asda Express PFS Sevenways, Bradfield Road, Stretford, Manchester M32 9RH. pdf icon PDF 125 KB

To consider a report of the Head of Regulatory Services.

Additional documents:


The Head of Regulatory Services submitted a report informing Members of an application for the grant of a new premises licence for Asda Express PFS Sevenways, Bradfield Road, Stretford, Manchester, M32 9RH which had attracted representations from residents.  All parties present at the hearing were invited to address the Sub-Committee.


Representations were made in support of the application by Mr. Eccles, Asda National Licensing Manager.




1)             That the application by Euro Garages Limited for the grant of a new premises licence for Asda Express PFS Sevenways, Bradfield Road, Stretford, Manchester, M32 9RH be granted.


2)             That the issue of the Licence be delegated to the Head of Regulatory Services.




Sub-Committee Members

Cllr J Holden (Chair)

Cllr J. Newgrosh




Application for the Grant of a Premises Licence



Type of Licence

Premises Licence – ASDA Express PFS, Sevenways, Bradfield Road, Stretford, M32 9RH



Parties Present


Natalie Owen – Democratic Services

James Parry – Legal Services

Ursula Smith – Licensing Officer

Stacey Hilton – Licensing Officer



Richard Taylor – Applicant’s Agent

Neil Eccles – ASDA National Licensing Manager



Date of Hearing

Wednesday 24th July 2024

Time Commenced


Time Terminated






This was an application for a premises licence which was referred to the sub-committee in circumstances where three representations were received objecting to the grant of the licence.


The Sub-Committee resolved to GRANT the licence.




We are in receipt of an application for the grant of a premises licence in respect of an ASDA convenience store which forms part of a fuel filling station situated on the Sevenways roundabout in Stretford. Bradfield Road runs towards the roundabout at the southern boundary of the site and Derbyshire Lane West is situated to the north.


There are no extant representations from any responsible authority.


Three representations have been received from members of the public who reside on Derbyshire Lane West. All of those representations raise objections to the grant of the premises licence on the grounds that:


  • There is a large group of drug users in the area in circumstances where the objectors perceive that the grant of a premises licence will contribute to an increase in such use.


  • There are problems connected with anti-social behaviour connected to drug use in the nearby park and school.


  • The Sevenways Church runs a number of clubs and workshops in circumstances where the objectors perceive that the persons who attend those clubs and workshops will cease to do so in the event that a premises licence is granted.


  • The objectors perceive that the making of off sales will contribute to an increase in driving with the excess alcohol.


  • The grant of a premises licence to the applicant may have an impact on other licenced premises in the immediate locality.


The objectors did not appear and were not represented.


We are required to consider in the first instance whether those representations are relevant to the promotion of the licensing  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2.