Venue: Council Chamber, Trafford Town Hall, Talbot Road, Stretford, Manchester, M32 0TH
Contact: Miss Natalie Owen Governance Officer
No. | Item |
To consider a report of the Head of Regulatory Services. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of Regulatory Services submitted a report informing members of an application for the grant of a premises licence for Bowdon Cricket, Hockey and Squash Club, South Downs Road, Bowdon, WA14 3DT which had attracted representations from local residents, and Trafford Council’s Environmental Health.
Representations were made in support of the application by Miss McDowell and Mr Egerton and against the application by Claire Morris Kuits Solicitors, Mr.Abbott, Mr Slater and Mr Evans. Representations were also made by Ms, N Ali, Trafford Council’s Environmental Health Section.
(1) That the application for the grant of a premises licence be granted subject to compliance with the conditions outlined in the decision notice.
(2) That the issue of the licence be delegated to the Head of Regulatory Services.
Sub Committee Councillor E.L. Hirst (Chairperson) Members: Councillor B. Brotherton Councillor J.D. Newgrosh
Applicant: Bowdon Club Limited
Type of Licence: Grant of a Premises Licence: Bowdon Cricket, Hockey and Squash Club, South Downs Road, Bowdon, WA14 3DT
Representors: Environmental Health N. Ali
Local Residents Mr. C R Abbott Mr. A Hughes P Harrison and J Evans J Oglesby Dr. A Nichanametla P Stewart M Green Mr and Mrs Furness K and S Leggett H and C Erdursun Mr I Slater M and N Crowther Kuits Solicitors on behalf of Mrs and Mr Oglesby
Parties Present: Environmental Health N. Ali P Fletcher
Local Residents Mr and Mrs Abbott C Morris (Kuits Solicitors) representing Mrs and Mr Oglesby Mr. I Slater Mr. J Evans P. Harrison
On behalf of the Applicant R McDowell M. Egerton S Leopold
Officers Jade Pickup – Senior Licensing Officer Ursula Smith – Licensing Officer James Parry – Locum Litigation Lawyer Natalie Owen – Democratic Officer
Date of Hearing: 23 September 2024 Time Commence: 6:30 p.m. Time Terminated: 8:30 p.m.
The Sub-Committee had the benefit of receiving the licensing officers report and appendices A to K
The Sub-Committee also had the benefit of hearing oral submissions from:
- The Applicants, Ms. McDowall and Mr. Egerton - Ms. Morris, solicitor on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Oglesby - Mr. Abbott - Mrs. Abbott - Mr. Slater - Mr. Evans - Ms. Ali on behalf of Environmental Protection - Ms. Pickup the senior licensing officer present.
The Sub-Committee decided that the representations received from Environmental Health and local residents were valid representations where they relate to the prevention of Crime and Disorder, Public Safety, the prevention of Public Nuisance and the protection of children from harm. We have not taken account of representations that go to sufficiency of supply or the need for premises of this type, as that is not something we are entitled to take account of.
Further late representations were received from Kuits solicitors on behalf of their clients Mr and Mrs Oglesby during the afternoon of Friday 20th September, the last working day before this meeting and on Sunday 22nd September. We have ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |