Venue: Committee Room 2 and 3, Trafford Town Hall, Talbot Road, Stretford M32 0TH
Contact: Natalie Owen Democratic Officer
No. | Item |
To receive and if so determined, to approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 19th July 2024. Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 19 July 2024 be agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members to give notice of any interest and the nature of that interest relating to any item on the agenda in accordance with the adopted Code of Conduct. Minutes: Councillor Brophy declared an interest regarding employment by NHS Professionals with Manchester Foundation Trust. |
JOINT STRATEGIC NEEDS ASSESSMENT (JSNA) UPDATE PDF 50 KB To receive a report from the Principal Public Health Intelligence Analyst. Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED: That this item be deferred to a future meeting of the Board. |
FAIRER HEALTH FOR TRAFFORD PARTNERSHIP To receive a verbal update from the Director of Public Health. Minutes: The Board were informed that a workshop had taken place in June. There were three priority areas – learning disability, serious mental illness and carers and they were looking to recruit an officer going forward.
RESOLVED: That the verbal update be noted. |
BETTER CARE FUND (BCF) - QUARTER 1 REPORTING TIMETABLE PDF 69 KB To receive the Quarter 1 Better Care Fund Programme return from the Deputy Place Lead. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board were informed that the report provided the national return in Q1 which needed to be submitted by 29th August 2024.
The Board were informed that NHS England have taken a lighter touch than in 23/24, with the focus on delivery discharge schemes and the activity and expenditure associated with these.
All schemes except for one have been implemented. The only scheme yet to be introduced is the additional funding to TLCO Specialist Care Team which is a new scheme for 24/25. Funding has been agreed and work with LCO in Quarter 1 to establish how to maximise this investment in direct staffing and capacity has been done. The Board were informed that this is currently near completion with a view that recruitment will be undertaken in Quarter 2.
The Board were reminded that the new schemes were Specialist palliative care, Crisis Beds – mental health crisis beds, additional investment in St Ann’s Hospice.
The Board were advised that the Quarter 2 submission deadline is 31st October and the submission would be sent on 31st October.
(1) That the content of the BCF return which was submitted on 29th August 2024 be noted.
(2) Noted that the next submission in relation to Quarter 2 is required to be submitted on 31st October 2024. |
LOCALITY DELIVERY PLAN 2024/25 PDF 12 KB To receive the 2024/25 Delivery Plan from the Programme Director for Health and Social Care. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board were informed that the report gave an overview of the 24/25 Delivery Plan which is a product of collaborative working to develop a shared set of commissioning intentions and priorities for the year.
There are seven overarching themes in the plan, some span multiple years and some end this year.
The locality plan was being refreshed and this would be completed by the end of the year.
The Board were informed that there was an online survey and the survey details would be circulated after the meeting to ensure it had wider circulation and to get the best data from it.
The Board were informed that a NHS GM fit for future event was being held on 26th September at Flixton House. Details of the event to be circulated to the Board.
Councillor Butt raised the issue of budget changes and the impact of these on the elderly and whether the capacity was there to deal with them. It was noted that there was a huge challenge regarding capacity and officers were working heard to rectify this and doing their best with the ability they have.
Bernadette Ashcroft informed the Board that there was a large underclaim of benefit entitlement and a lot of work was taking place to raise awareness regarding this and support people to claim what they were entitled to claim.
RESOLVED: That the content of the 24/25 Delivery Plan be noted and the specific roles and responsibilities of the Board in delivering the agreed priorities also be noted. |
To receive a report from the Programme Director for Health and Social Care. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board received a report providing an overview of a recent review and ongoing strategic work into Social Prescribing and related roles within Trafford.
Thanks were given to Matthew Vaughan who had been instrumental in leading on this work.
The Board were informed that the review was in line with the GM Joint Forward Plan mission “Strengthening our communities” and the need to strengthen visibility and governance within such roles and build on best practice.
The Board were informed that a Steering Group had been established identifying and prioritising current needs and risks. They had identified the most pressing need as a contingency regarding the cessation of the electronic recording system used by social prescribers (Elemental) in March 2025.
A Task and Finish Group had been set up in response to identify if professionals and key stakeholders want to continue to fund the use of Elemental. The Board were informed that the task and finish group were continuing to find a solution regarding elemental.
The Board were informed that £46,000 had been awarded from the Live Well programme and work was being done with Thrive to look at how the money could be distributed. The money has to be allocated by March 2025.
Councillor Brophy queried what it looked like on the ground and how it worked? What was the impact on individuals who accessed the services?
Councillor Butt felt that more input from managers of medical centres was required.
RESOLVED: That the proposed actions, as follows, be ratified at the next meeting:-
(1) That the progress to date be noted.
(2) That a collaborative solution to the cessation of Elemental be supported.
(3) That the final report be presented at a future meeting.
(4) That the identification of dedicated leadership for the continuation of the social prescribing work to address outlined short, medium and long term priorities be supported. |
SEXUAL HEALTH IN TRAFFORD PDF 277 KB To receive a report from the Director of Public Health. Minutes: The Board took part in an interactive quiz regarding sexual health and infections.
The Board were updated on the progress regarding sexual health in Trafford. They were advised that the number of abortions was higher than the national average and teenage pregnancy was lower than the national average. The larc rate was lower than the national average.
The Board were advised that chlamydia screening is poor in Trafford and chlamydia detection is lower because of less screening.
The Board were informed that a sexual health network had been established and larc delivery had increased.
There were challenges in getting an appointment and test kits running out.
NHS website does not say where to go locally to get tested, it was noted that GP practices needed to be educated to ensure nurses are aware of where screening can be done.
Councillor Butt commented that people needed to be educated on where to go in the first instance.
The Board were informed that a talkshop had been funded to go into schools and talk to pupils. There are specific clinics in Trafford in Urmston and Partington.
A pilot to work with school nurses was due to take place end September/early October.
RESOLVED –That the proposed actions, as follows, be ratified at the next meeting:-
(1) That the impact and interrelation between sexual health and the Board’s responsibilities and priorities be acknowledged, noting the importance of good sexual health in improving the lives of Trafford residents and reducing health inequalities.
(2) That the current barriers and challenges in sexual health across Trafford and their wider impact on the health and wellbeing of Trafford residents be acknowledged.
(3) That the Council’s Public Health team be supported in ensuring maximum awareness of STIs and Trafford’s sexual health services among residents.
(4) That advocating for addressing the sexual health needs of Trafford residents through innovative joint working across the health and social care system and with health-related services be noted. |
ATTITUDES TO VAPING IN TRAFFORD PDF 232 KB To receive a report from the Director of Public Health and the Public Health Programme Manager. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board were informed that the national picture had been looked at. High schools were finding pupils vaping and didn’t know what to do about it.
Two surveys had been completed one for parents and one for children. Nine children who vaped attended a session to test the survey and were open and honest.
The Board were advised that a teacher was present when the survey was completed in schools.
Survey 1 open for four weeks for 11-18 year olds and was offered to all secondary schools, survey 2 was open for three weeks and was emailed and put on social media. Most responses were from the south of the Borough.
It was found that under 11 was the most common age to start vaping and most people had their first vape before 9am.
People were also using SNUS – a small white package placed in the mouth that should be taken out after ten minutes. This was another cause for concern which needed monitoring.
91% were concerned regarding the impact on their child and parents don’t know where to go to get support.
The Board were informed that there was no participation from five schools and engaging the neighbourhood was equally tough.
The Chair commented it was important to get the message out that SNUS is dangerous.
Councillor Eckersley commented that the body cannot remove additives when vaping unlike smoking. Children need to be informed regarding additives on lungs and the irreversible effect. He also queried whether children were replacing another drug i.e. smoking cigarettes, alcohol.
The Board were advised that alcohol is not as common in young people , they did talk about weed and smoking at weekends.
The Corporate Director, Place commented that it was scary regarding the prevalence of accepting vaping and it being seen as an every day occurrence. He also queried whether the practice around illegal vapes by Trading Standards/Enforcement could be strengthened.
The Board were informed that smoke free generation legislation was going through and covers both smoking and vaping.
The Chair commented that there had been prosecutions/closure of some shops from Trading Standards/Enforcement team and the message needs to be enforced across Trafford.
The Board were informed that the number of responses was higher in the south of the Borough, however there are more schools in the south so that will affect the percentages.
The Chair queried whether a conversation could be held with Manchester United Football Club as children look up to the players. The Corporate Director, Place agreed to look into this with the Director of Public Health.
RESOLVED – That the proposed actions, as follows, be ratified at the next meeting:-
(1) That the contents of the paper be noted.
(2) That the contents of the paper be shared with the Board’s wider networks to help improve vaping cessation resources for those addicted and parent/carer education.