Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room 2 and 3, Trafford Town Hall, Talbot Road, Stretford M32 0TH

Contact: Natalie Owen  Democratic Officer

No. Item


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 213 KB

To note the inquorate Minutes of the meeting held on 13 September 2024.


The Board is requested to ratify the recommended actions set out at minute numbers 68, 69 and 70.





(1)            That the minutes of the meeting held on 13 September 2024 be agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


(2)            That the actions set out at minute numbers 68, 69 and 70 of the minutes for the meeting on 13th September be ratified.



Members to give notice of any interest and the nature of that interest relating to any item on the agenda in accordance with the adopted Code of Conduct.


Councillor Brophy declared an interest regarding employment by NHS Professionals with Manchester Foundation Trust.


DPH Annual Report 23/24

To receive a report from the Director of Public Health.


The Board received an introduction to the report and that it was a statutory duty to produce the report. 


The report was mindful of the impact of building blocks of health and it looked at the surroundings that influence health e.g. access to water and green spaces.


The introduction looked at school streets and why we are doing them.  It also looked at how housing influences health.  High cost/low quality housing impacts physical/mental health.


The Board were informed that 2023 social prescribing reported loneliness, and the South of the Borough were doing some work around loneliness.


The Board were informed that work was continuing on action on harmful advertising in communities and opportunities for safe, active travel and access to green spaces was being maximised.  Work was being completed with the voluntary sector to help people use green spaces.  School Streets were being expanded but not all schools could have them.


The Board thanked Liz Bristow for her work.


The Deputy Place Lead welcomed the report and commented that it should be built into locality/sustainability plans.


          RESOLVED: That the report be noted.


Tobacco Deep Dive pdf icon PDF 914 KB

To receive a verbal update from the Public Health Programme Manager, Jo Bryan.

Additional documents:


The Director of Public Health welcomed the Public Health bill which was going through parliament as addiction and tobacco reduces the choice to live a healthy life.  She asked the Board to support the bill and write to MP’s.


The Public Health Programme Manager advised that tobacco kills 2 out of 3 users and it was an important area in terms of health and health inequalities.  The Board were informed that Trafford had dipped below the national level and the rates were higher in the North of the Borough.


The Board were informed that the Bill addresses vaping, looking at reducing flavours and the packaging of vapes.  It also proposes a ban on outdoor smoking.


The Board were advised that the Bill had had it’s first reading, and the second reading was due at the end of November in Parliament.


Four actions were assigned by the Board, action one was completed quickly and a Trafford Tobacco Alliance had been set up.


The Board were informed that the CLeaR assessment was reviewed in June 2024 and it had been compared to Trafford’s most recent results.  In the last 12 months Trafford has improved our developments of tobacco control, with the exception of “compliance” where this has remained the same.


The Board were informed that the Trafford Tobacco Alliance had developed an action plan which had four themes – prevention and reducing risk, reduce variations in smoking rates, effective enforcement and protecting the environment.


The Board were advised that support had been utilised from Trafford’s Communications Lead in Adult Social Care and Public Health to develop promotional information to spread awareness of the smoking cessation offer and support in Trafford.


Posters had been produced regarding smoking cessation which would be rolled out across the Borough.


The Chair said that the posters should be outside every school and a template letter sent to MP’s.


The Public Health Programme Manager advised that regarding deprivation there was a bid out to the voluntary/community sector and the Voice of BME in the North of the Borough were doing work on smoking cessation too.


The Board were informed that it was hard to get comparable figures for the adult population in relation to vaping numbers.  Regarding Children and Young People it was difficult to tell – a significant number had not touched a vape but the popularity of vapes was increasing.  Work was being done with schools to educate them on the risks of vaping.


          RESOLVED: That the contents of the report be reviewed and noted.


Healthy Weight Deep Dive

To receive a report from the Public Health Programme Manager, Jane Hynes.

Additional documents:


The Board received an interim report updating them on the progress of the school food review project.


The Board were advised that school food had come a long way and lots of positive comments had been received.  Funding was an important factor and there were tensions around quality but catering were doing a good job to keep costs in place.


Bremner and Co who were commissioned to do the review spoke to people across the school system and scrutinised existing data.


The Board were advised that areas to make Trafford better were the way food is procured and prepared in the kitchen and training staff to cook more “from scratch”.  There was an opportunity for the Council to support schools and the procurement contract the catering team have should be looked at.


Jill Duddle commented that catering was looking to reduce the salt/sugar content in foods and discussions were taking place with providers of NVQ’s.  All providers have to use electric vehicles and there was a move towards one drop off.


The Chair commented that the in-house team do an outstanding job.


There was a query regarding how many children were eligible for free school meals.  The Board were informed that there was a low threshold of £7000, poverty in general contributed to the level.  Work needed to be done on whether all children eligible take up school meals.  It was noted that information shared to parents would help.


Sally Atkinson asked how children out of school could be supported.  Jill Duddle commented that data each day is sent to catering.

Sally Atkinson commented that a B Well survey was done with year 10 students and 14.9% were on free school meals.


Councillor Butt asked what capacity there was in schools to cook from scratch.  Jill Duddle advised that they were all slightly different but staff wanted to learn.


The Board were informed that Trafford were the contract lead but fed into AGMA and STAR.  There had been no price increases from April to now and local suppliers/British farms were used where they could be.


Councillor Brophy queried whether there were any areas where children are more likely to bring a packed lunch from home.  The Board were advised that in more affluent areas more packed lunches are taken but the data around this was not as good as it should be.


          RESOLVED: That the interim report be noted.



Winter Health Update

To receive a report from the Deputy Place Lead.

Additional documents:


The Board were informed that work had been completed with colleagues across all sectors.  The scheme was started in primary care.  The report includes information regarding the winter health letter which set out the following priorities – Supporting people to stay well, Maintaining patient safety and experience and reviewing the 10 high impact interventions for UEC.  The Board were advised that the risks/themes were similar to what you would expect.


The Manchester and Trafford System Resilience Team will lead and co-ordinate on all aspects of winter planning.  Key areas for this year’s plan include building on the lessons learnt from winter 2023/24, winter debrief on winter schemes 2023/24 and ensuring plans align with urgent care transformation.


          RESOLVED: That the report be noted.


Locality Plan

To receive a verbal update from the Health and Social Care Programme Director.


The Board were advised that a lot of work had been done in the last few months to engage people.  A word version of the plan had been shared in a number of forums and feedback gained on a daily basis.  A log of feedback had been kept so what’s been done on the plan can be shown.  This would be attached as an appendix to the plan.


The Board would be sent the version which went to the Locality Board.


The Board were informed that the Locality Plan would be brought back to the Board in January 2025.


The Managing Director of Trafford LCO thanked colleagues for their work on the plan and commented that it had pulled together a range of plans and made them coherent.


The Director of Public Health commented that the Health and Wellbeing Strategy was in the process of being updated and would be fed into the Locality Board.


          RESOLVED: That the verbal update be noted.


Better Care Fund (BCF) - Quarter 2 Reporting Timetable pdf icon PDF 215 KB

To receive the Quarter 2 Better Care Fund Programme return from the Deputy Place Lead.

Additional documents:


The Board were informed that the report provided the national return in Q2 which needed to be submitted by 31st October 2024.


The Board were informed that the Q2 submission returned to a more detailed return focusing on the delivery of 4 key BCF metric areas, any variations/changes to 24/25 Capacity Plan and cumulative activity and expenditure data for Q2 2024.


The Board were informed that the figures regarding discharge to normal residence was positive and on track to meet target.  The figures in relation to emergency hospital admissions due to falls was heading in the right direction and was on course to meet target by the end of the year. 


The Board were advised that the submission will be approved by Trafford ICB and Trafford Council prior to submission.


The Board were advised that the Quarter 3 submission deadline is 31st January 2025.




(1)  That the content of the BCF return which was submitted on 31st October 2024 be noted.


(2)  Noted that the next submission in relation to Quarter 3 is required to be submitted on 31st January 2025.