Venue: Committee Suite, Trafford Town Hall, Talbot Road, Stretford, Manchester M32 0TH
Contact: Michelle Cody Democratic Officer
Note: PLEASE NOTE THE LATER START TIME OF 7PM (To view the meeting please paste the following into your browser's address bar: )
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MEMBERSHIP OF THE COMMITTEE To note the Membership, including Chair, Vice-Chair and Opposition Spokesperson, of the Planning Development Management Committee for the Municipal Year 2024/2025, as agreed by Council on 22nd May, 2024. Minutes: RESOLVED: That the Membership of the Planning and Development Management Committee for the Municipal Year 2024/2025 be noted. |
APPOINTMENT OF SUB-COMMITTEE The Committee is asked to appoint the Town/Village Green Sub-Committee comprising the Chair, Vice-Chair and Opposition Spokesperson or their nominees for the Municipal Year 2024/2025. Minutes: Members of the Planning and Development Management Committee were asked to appoint the Town/Village Green Sub-Committee for the Municipal Year 2024/2025.
RESOLVED: That the Town/Village Green Sub-Committee be appointed comprising the Chair, Vice-Chair and Opposition Spokesperson or their nominees.
To note the Terms of Reference for the Planning Development Management Committee. Minutes: RESOLVED: That the Terms of Reference for the Planning and Development Management Committee be noted. |
To note the attached scheduled meeting dates for the Committee during the 2024/2025/2026 Municipal Years, as agreed by Council on 22nd May, 2024. Minutes: RESOLVED: That the scheduled meeting dates for the Planning and Development Management Committee for the Municipal Year 2024/2025/2026 be noted. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members to give notice of any Personal or Prejudicial Interest and the nature of that Interest relating to any item on the Agenda in accordance with the adopted Code of Conduct. Minutes: Councillor Winstanley declared a Personal and Prejudicial Interest in Application 113085/FUL/24 (Urmston Cricket and Lawn Tennis Club, Moorside Road, Urmston) as the family of the speaker in support of the application were known to him. He confirmed he would be leaving the room during consideration of this item and in the absence of the Vice-Chair asked the Committee to nominate and appoint a Vice-Chair for this item.
To receive and, if so determined, to approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 9th May, 2024. Minutes: RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting held on 9th May, 2024, be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
QUESTIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC A maximum of 15 minutes will be allocated to public questions submitted in writing to Democratic Services ( by 4pm on the working day prior to the meeting. Questions must be within the remit of the Committee or be relevant to items appearing on the agenda and will be submitted in the order in which they were received.
Minutes: No questions were submitted. |
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REPORT To consider the attached report of the Head of Planning and Development, tabled at the meeting. Minutes: The Head of Planning and Development submitted a report informing Members of additional information received regarding applications for planning permission to be determined by the Committee.
RESOLVED: That the report be received and noted.
APPLICATIONS FOR PERMISSION TO DEVELOP ETC To consider the attached reports of the Head of Planning and Development, for the following applications.
Additional documents: Minutes: