Agenda item



The Committee considered a report of the Lead Commissioner Mental Health and Learning Disabilities, Trafford Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) on the new Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2021/22.


The Committee had requested this report to understand how Trafford’s residents could benefit from the main changes the strategy intended to deliver.


The report author was in attendance accompanied by the Acting Joint Accountable Officer and the Health and Social Care Programme Director.


Officers outlined the main elements of the strategy, the commitment to a whole system approach, the strong focus on delivering an all age strategy, more person centred approach, consideration of families and communities, the shift away from crisis to a preventative mental health agenda and the de-stigmatisation of mental health.


Officers described the redesigning of community mental health services and specialist services to be located closely to citizens and primary care settings. Certain functions would sit closer to people requiring care and support. Improving access and communication to support citizens to reach their mental health outcomes. Work with Public Health around inequalities and the social determinants of health.


Officers outlined current challenges and risks: the demand for mental health services was climbing in number and complexity with repercussion on many people who waited with support of the voluntary sector network. Long waiting times to access ASD and ADHD (Autism Spectrum Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) services and support requested from Greater Manchester Health and Care Partnership and lead mental health providers.


Members sought and received clarification on the long waiting lists to access mental health services and workforce’s resilience and capacity. Officers informed that there was a GM programme in place aimed at providing information and advice for people waiting for treatment. Officers also referred to the role of all front line services and social prescribing.


Members asked about the analysis of where needs were originated and how budget was apportioned to address those needs.


In light of the impact of the pandemic on children and young people and the increased use of drugs and instances of self-harm, Members asked about mental health support in educational settings. Officers referred to the part of the new Mental Health Strategy dedicated to children and young people and the work of commissioners in Children’s Services.


Members agreed that there were opportunities for a joint piece of work with the Children and Young People’s Scrutiny Committee on mental health services for children and young people and current needs and demand.


Members also stressed the importance of communication between housing providers and health services to raise awareness and provide support.



1.    That the content of the report be noted;

2.    That a progress report be presented to this committee in November 2022 and that a representative from Bluesci Support attend this meeting;

3.    That additional information on ASD and ADHD services be presented to this committee in June 2022;

4.    That a joint piece of work between Health Scrutiny and Children and Young People’s Scrutiny Committee to explore what support is available in schools for children and young people be considered.  

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