Agenda item


To consider a report of the Executive Member for Culture, Leisure, and Strategic Partnerships.


1.    That the implementation of a sustainable operating model as set out in this report, including the introduction of a charging policy be approved.

2.    That the delegation of authority to the Corporate Director of Place to procure an operator and to agree the terms of the LTA funding and finalise the terms of any funding agreement be approved.

3.    That the delegation of authority to the Director of Legal and Governance to enter into any documents required to implement the above decisions.


The Executive Member for Culture, Leisure, and Strategic Partnerships introduced the report and asked the Executive Members and those in attendance to focus upon the words of investment and sustainability within the report. The Executive Member for Culture, Leisure, and Strategic Partnerships informed the Committee of the condition of the tennis courts across the borough with some being in a state of disrepair and only two listed as being in good condition. The Executive Member for Culture, Leisure, and Strategic Partnerships welcomed the investment within this asset and hoped that this would lead to the courts being used for tennis and improve the health and wellbeing of the Trafford population.


The Committee were asked to note that it would mean the introduction of gates on the courts and charging for their use. The Executive Member for Culture, Leisure, and Strategic Partnerships recognised the work of the Friends of Parks groups across the borough, but they were not able to provide all the support required to sustain the courts. The Executive Member for Culture, Leisure, and Strategic Partnerships concluded the introduction by stating that there was still more work needed to deliver the programme of work.


The Executive Member for Health, Wellbeing, and Equalities was surprised at how poor the level of repair of tennis courts was across the area and agreed that there was a need to change the Councils approach to guarantee the facilities remained available in Trafford.


The Executive Member for Economy and Regeneration had looked at other areas where the model had been implemented and had found that it had increased access to and use of tennis courts in those areas.


Councillor Jerrome asked when further consultation would be conducted and whether any details of that consultation were available. The Executive Member for Culture, Leisure, and Strategic Partnerships welcomed Councillor Jerome’s involvement and agreed to contact him with the details of the consultation when they became available.


Councillor Butt asked how confident the LTA were that the courts across Trafford would become self-sustaining. Councillor Butt also asked whether the £125K costs in the report were for the gates or the repairs. The Executive Member for Culture, Leisure, and Strategic Partnerships asked Councillor Butt to contact her with the wording for the question he wanted to ask the LTA about funding. The Executive Member for Culture, Leisure, and Strategic Partnerships informed Councillor Butt that the LTA would pay to put the gates in place and the Council would then maintain them.


Following the discussions, the Leader moved the recommendations of the report, and they were approved.



1)    That the implementation of a sustainable operating model as set out in this report, including the introduction of a charging policy be approved.

2)    That the delegation of authority to the Corporate Director of Place to procure an operator and to agree the terms of the LTA funding and finalise the terms of any funding agreement be approved.

3)    That the delegation of authority to the Director of Legal and Governance to enter into any documents required to implement the above decisions.

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