To consider a report from the Head of the Music Service.
The Head of the Music Service went through the presentation that was distributed with the agenda and informed the Committee of the number of staff within the service and gave a brief overview of the programmes that the service delivered including providing support to 835 children in primary schools 521 of whom had instrumental lessons at the music centre. All children performed concerts at the end of each term so that they had experience of playing in a professional venue. The number who attended ensembles had reduced greatly through the pandemic and the Service were focused upon increasing those levels. While the service was based in the centre it was accessed by children and young people from all over the borough. The Committee were informed of other programmes the service ran which included a year six transition programme so that all new children in secondary school play music together.
The Chair noted that the work was mainly based upon young children and asked whether they found that those who engaged at a young age continue. The Head of the Music Service informed the committee that the infancy work was due to a programme and many schools started in key stage 2. The Service did find that those who started young did continue into later years.
Councillor Hornby welcome the service within Trafford and asked whether there was any provision in the most deprived areas. In response the Head of the Music Service spoke about the work being was done in collaboration with schools to help young people to access music who would not otherwise be able to, which included a bursary system for children who wanted to come to the centre to learn.
Councillor Bennet noted that there had been some issues around the use of the Claremont centre and asked whether they had been resolved. The Head of the Music Service responded to Councillor Bennet by informing the Committee that the service was not planning to move to Stretford and that they would stay at the Claremont Centre in the short term while alternative options were reviewed.
[Note: At this point in the meeting Councillors Welton and Zhi declared an interest as their children used the service.]
Councillor Welton noted that the Council had been looking at moving from the Claremont due to the service being oversubscribed and asked whether any consideration had been given to setting up a satellite centres at other locations. The Head of the Music Service responded that a number of options were being considered including ways to increase provision at the centre and satellite centres.
Councillor Zhi asked how many young people from a minority background used the service. The Head of the Music Service gave a brief answer at the meeting and offered to provide a full breakdown after the meeting.
The Head of the Music Service informed the Committee that Concerts were to be held at Stellar Hall on the 25th of March and invitations would be sent out to all Councillors.
RESOLVED: That the report be noted.
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