To consider a report originally submitted to and agreed by the Executive on the 23rd January 2023.
The Chair sated that the report had gone to the Executive and had been well received and informed the Committee of the excellent feedback received from the Executive about the work of the Task and finish group.
Councillor Adshead gave a brief introduction to the report and spoke about how the developments had come about. The report identified a site for a temporary stopping site and noted that the new local plan would put forward some longer-term options.
The Director of Growth and Regulatory Services added that the Council had looked at several sites in Trafford, which was restricted due to the nature of the borough. Following the proposal of Boyer Street, the Council had begun consultation with local businesses, residents, and several groups who represented Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller communities; there was not a GM Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller group so the Council had liaised with groups and charities from further afield. The consultation had recently closed and received roughly 400 responses and officers were starting to interrogate the data. Within the executive report it did delegate decision making to officers with close working with the Executive Member and taking the views of the Committee onboard.
Councillor Axford noted that Gypsy, Roma, and Travellers usually went to rural areas and asked how they would be informed of the site. The Director of Growth and Regulatory Services responded to Councillor Axford that if the site was deemed to be acceptable then the Council would look at how to approach informing Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller groups of the site. Part of that would be when Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller visitors would be directed to the site when moved on from other areas of the borough.
Councillor Axford asked about suitability of the site around safety and access to water. The Director of Growth and Regulatory Services answered that the Council was aware of the issues with the site and were considering possible solutions.
Councillor Axford asked what the maximum level of stay would be and whether it was 28 days. The Director of Growth and Regulatory Services responded that the maximum length of stay was 28 days and that the council would look at what would happen after that following feedback from the consultation.
Councillor Axford asked whether the charity Friends, Families, and Travellers were being consulted with and the Director of Growth and Regulatory Services confirmed that they were.
Councillor Carter asked whether the site had capacity to cope with the level of Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller groups who came to the area. The Director of Growth and Regulatory Services responded that it was suitable for most visits that were seen around Trafford.
Councillor Carter noted that the site was next to the old police station and asked whether it was possible to provide water to the site from there. The Director of Growth and Regulatory Services responded that he would take it back and look into the possibility.
Councillor Butt noted that the costs of the site would be on the residents who paid council tax and asked whether they would have chance to have input to the consultation. The Director of Growth and Regulatory Services assured Councillor Butt and the Committee that residents, local businesses and the Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller communities would be consulted with. The Committee were informed that the visits already caused costs to the Council and the hope of the site was that it would cover the costs and possibly offer a saving.
The Executive Member for Environment and Paid Services added that the current visits caused a large amount of inconvenience for residents and this site would reduce the impacts upon local communities.
The Chair welcomed the progress that had been made and asked for the results of the consultation to be shared with the Committee.
1) That the report be noted.
2) That The Director of Growth and Regulatory Services look at the possibility of accessing water for the Boyer site from the old police station.
3) That the results of the consultation be shared with the Committee.
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