Agenda item


To consider a report from the Executive Member for Housing and Advice.


1)    That the consultation draft Trafford Design Code (TDC) Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) be approved.


2)    That the content of the consultation draft Trafford Design Guide (TDG) SPD (June 2022) has been incorporated into the Trafford Design Code and supersedes it, cancelling this document with immediate effect be noted.


3)    That the next stage of publicity and consultation arrangements for the Trafford Design Code SPD be approved.


4)    That the approval of the draft Code represents the successful completion of a Design Code within the 12 month DLUHC Design Code Pathfinders Programme be noted.


5)    That, following the consultation process described in the report, a further report will seek approval for the content of the final Trafford Design Code SPD be noted.


6)    That an updated planning application Validation Checklist will be brought forward alongside the adopted TDC be noted.


7)    That a future report will seek approval for the consultation draft Trafford Wharfside Development Framework and Trafford Wharfside Masterplan be noted.


The Executive Member for Economy and Regeneration introduced the report and highlighted a few key points for the Committee. Members were asked to note the timeline of the work and how it was aligned with the government design code pathfinder’s programme. The report detailed the consultation undertaken with members of the public as part of the work. Members attention was drawn to the pdf version of the code which had been submitted alongside the report and the Executive Member for Economy and Regeneration expressed that it was better to use the online portal to access the guide. The report noted how, once in place, the guide would demonstrate to developers and residents Trafford’s aspiration to raise expectations for planning and design across the borough. The Executive Member for Economy and Regeneration ended the introduction by thanking the officers who had helped to create the design guide.


The Leader welcomed the guide and thanked officers for the excellent work in developing it.


The Executive Member for Climate Change also welcomed the report and the guide. The Executive Member for Climate Change noted that Trafford were still one of the 20 lowest funded Council’s in the Country and how much it had benefitted the Council to be part of the pathfinder programme.


The Executive Member for Finance, Change, and Governance recommended the digital version of the guide to Members and expressed how easy it was to use.


Councillor Welton spoke about the engagement exercises and how he had struggled to take part in the second phase. In responded the Executive Member for Economy and Regeneration explained that the second phase had been a focused engagement with key stakeholders in the area and assured Councillor Welton that there would be further opportunity to take part in the wider consultation.


Councillor Frass Asked whether the design guide could encourage additional off-street parking and what the likelihood was that developers would stick to the design code. The Executive Member for Economy and Regeneration responded to Councillor Frass’ second question first informing the Committee that the design code would align with the Councils planning application validation check list so if they did not follow the guide then their application would not be valid. The development of the design guide had involved extensive consultation with developers and they would continue to be involved in the next stage of consultation.  In response to the first question the Executive Member for Economy and Regeneration stated that the Council were looking to reduce car usage and the design guide encouraged landscaped frontages for new builds.


Following the discussions, the Leader moved the recommendations of the report and they were approved.



1)    That the consultation draft Trafford Design Code (TDC) Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) be approved.


2)    That the content of the consultation draft Trafford Design Guide (TDG) SPD (June 2022) has been incorporated into the Trafford Design Code and supersedes it, cancelling this document with immediate effect be noted.


3)    That the next stage of publicity and consultation arrangements for the Trafford Design Code SPD be approved.


4)    That the approval of the draft Code represents the successful completion of a Design Code within the 12 month DLUHC Design Code Pathfinders Programme be noted.


5)    That, following the consultation process described in the report, a further report will seek approval for the content of the final Trafford Design Code SPD be noted.


6)    That an updated planning application Validation Checklist will be brought forward alongside the adopted TDC be noted.


7)    That a future report will seek approval for the consultation draft Trafford Wharfside Development Framework and Trafford Wharfside Masterplan be noted.

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