Agenda item


To consider a verbal report from the Leader of the Council.


The Leader spoke through the key strategic aims for the year. There had been a relaunch of the Councils strategic partnership the day before and the Leader spoke of the importance of working in partnership to achieve the Councils goals. One of the key areas of discussion at the launch was the cost-of-living crisis and the challenge of tackling poverty within Trafford. The Amey 7-year review was another key area of focus for the Council. The outcomes of the review would help to ensure that those services delivered for Trafford residents and the Leader welcomed the input of Scrutiny to ensure that was achieved.


The Council had recently completed the recruitment for the position of Head of Climate Change along with an officer in support. The Leader had been named green city region lead for the Greater Manchester Combined Authority and he would utilise the role to look at examples from across the region and country to bring in new initiatives and examples of best practice to Trafford. Other areas of work around climate change included the Electric Vehicle charging point roll out, the continued support for play streets, expanding active transport across the borough, district heat networks, and expanding solar energy generation across the borough.


The Leader informed the Committee of the completion of the Councils Culture Strategy which would help the Council invest in its residents to build upon the area’s rich cultural heritage. As part of the strategy additional staff would be appointed with sufficient skills to help recognise the talents within in the area and to help people to reach their potential and to help residents express their culture.


The Leader spoke to the Committee about the large number of developments that were ongoing and planned across Trafford. Development was already underway in the Grafton Centre, Sale Magistrates Court, and the Stretford Master Plan. More was upcoming with the plans for Urmston Town Centre and with the Fermi due to submit a planning application which would offer new opportunities in the area. The Council were also looking at a vision for waterside to maximise the land that was available there.


The final area the Leader drew the Committee’s attention to was Improving the health outcomes for young people across the borough. This was strategic priority for the Council to deliver the best possible start for children and young people and the Leader spoke of the importance of working with the Locality Board to deliver that priority. The Leader wanted to explore how to improve outcomes for all children and young people across the area in the aftermath of COVID.


Councillor Jones thanked the Leader for the update and noted the school streets programme and asked how the Council planned to expand the programme. The Leader responded that the Council was keen to expand the programme and would be looking to make improvements from the lessons learned from the trails. Work was ongoing to identify funding for the programme which would help remove barriers for young people to be able to access school in an active way.

Councillor Jones asked whether culture included sports culture. The Leader confirmed that sports and leisure were key parts of the strategy as Trafford had a huge cultural sports heritage that needed built upon. A key element to deliver the strategy successfully was having an Executive Member focused on this area and the Leader was confident that the correct Executive Member was leading on this in Councillor Hynes.


Councillor Jones asked whether the Leader felt the Amey 7-year review would deliver the improvements listed within the presentation the Committee had received. The Leader responded to Councillor Jones that the review had greatly improved the situation in Trafford and that he was confident the contract would deliver high quality services for Trafford residents going forward. The Leader encouraged members to visit the depot as it helped to bring it all to life and helped you to see and understand the changes that had been made.


Councillor Jones final question related to how the Council would deliver improved mental Health services for Children and Young People. The Leader agreed that mental health and access to support had a huge impact upon young people’s health especially given the stresses that modern lifestyle puts on young people and he assured the Committee that the Council would be looking at access, prevention, and wrap around support.


Councillor Walsh asked what the strategic partnership would look like in the next year. The Leader responded that that it would be a true partnership approach and not Council led. Work was still ongoing to agree the precise structure of the partnership and the Leader stated he was happy to bring an update on that to Scrutiny when the plans had been fleshed out.


The Chair noted the comments about ensuring children and young people had the best start to life and spoke of the great asset the Council had in Gorse Hill Studios. The Chair expressed that there was a need to encourage the establishment of similar services across the borough to address the gaps left by the closure of children’s centres and community centres. The Leader agreed with the points made by the Chair and informed the Committee that he had spoken with staff from Gorse Hill Studios about the importance of having those community hubs where young people could go. The Leader added that it was important to ask young people what they wanted and needed and to listen to the responses that they provided.


RESOLVED: That the Leader’s priorities be noted.