Agenda item


To consider a report of the Executive Member for Climate Change.


a)    That the reprioritisation of MCF funded active travel schemes with a forecast delivery budget of circa £13.01m based on the delivery priorities set out in Section 2 be noted.


b)    That the inclusion the A56 Phase 2 scheme with an indicative budget allocation of £1.6m into the MCF programme, noting the requirement for the scheme to follow the MCF governance and approvals process to secure MCF funding be noted.


c)     That the indicative active travel programme of works for 2023/24 which would achieve the delivery of four active travel work schemes be noted.


d)    That the implications of the reprioritised development programme together with the wider proposed active travel scheme pipeline as set out in Section 3 of the report be noted.


e)    That the delegation of authority to the Corporate Director of Place, in consultation with the Director of Finance and Systems, to accept and spend Mayoral Challenge Fund (MCF) funding allocation, on a scheme-by-scheme basis, for the implementation on the delivery and development priorities as set out in Sections 2 and 3 of the report be approved.


f)      That the delegation of authority to the Corporate Director of Place, in consultation with the Director of Legal and Governance, to negotiate and finalise the grant delivery agreements, construction contracts and any other contracts or documents required to implement this decision be approved.


g)    That the delegation of authority to the Corporate Director of Place, in consultation with the Director of Legal and Governance, to award a contract to a recommended contractor for each Scheme once an agreed delivery agreement is in place.


h)    That the delegation of authority to the Director of Legal and Governance to enter into any contracts or other documents required to implement the decision be approved.



The Executive Member for Climate change introduced the report and the details contained within. The report covered the progress of the different projects across the area and the Executive Member note that they were all at different levels of development with one completed so far. The Committee were informed that the consultation on the proposals had been completed and that the next area of focus would be the Urmston active neighbourhood which was progressing.


The Leader welcomed the report and the £30M of funding that would be put into active transport in the area over the next year.


The Executive Member for Highways, Environmental, and Traded Services welcomed the report and particularly the plans for the top of talbot road, the additional crossing measures being brought in and the additional safety the plans would deliver for residents. The Leader thanked Councillor Adshead and the points he made about additional safety.


The Executive Member for Health and Care welcomed the report and the safety measures it would deliver, especially in the wake of the accident on the A56 over the weekend. The Executive Member for Health and Care highlighted the way the proposed plans would help to tackle health inequalities across the area.


Councillor Evans for details of the £4.7M spent on the Talbot Road development within the plans. The Corporate Director of Place responded that a breakdown of the costs could be provided to Councillor Evans. The Executive Member for Climate Change added that the cyclops junctions had a high cost as they represented quite large engineering projects.


Councillor Jerrome welcomed the plans but felt that there was a lack of strategic vision and asked whether the council should focus on plans near schools to maximise the outcomes. Councillor Williams thanked Councillor Jerrome for some of his points but disagreed with his point about the lack of strategic vision as officers had worked very hard about delivering the works in a key commuter route and connecting into the A56. The Leader added that the Council were working closely with TFGM with the aim being to ensure someone as young as 8 years old would be able to travel safely across the borough.


Councillor Ennis asked about where plans were up to on the late-night trams scheme. Councillor Williams responded that he would raise the question at the next meeting of the B-Network and feedback the response to Councillor Ennis.


Following the discussions, the Leader Moved the recommendations and they were approved.



1)    That the report be noted.

2)    That the reprioritisation of MCF funded active travel schemes with a forecast delivery budget of circa £13.01m based on the delivery priorities set out in Section 2 be noted.


2.    That the inclusion the A56 Phase 2 scheme with an indicative budget allocation of £1.6m into the MCF programme, noting the requirement for the scheme to follow the MCF governance and approvals process to secure MCF funding be noted.

3.    That the indicative active travel programme of works for 2023/24 which would achieve the delivery of four active travel work schemes be noted.

4.    That the implications of the reprioritised development programme together with the wider proposed active travel scheme pipeline as set out in Section 3 of the report be noted.

5.    That the delegation of authority to the Corporate Director of Place, in consultation with the Director of Finance and Systems, to accept and spend Mayoral Challenge Fund (MCF) funding allocation, on a scheme-by-scheme basis, for the implementation on the delivery and development priorities as set out in Sections 2 and 3 of the report be approved.

6.    That the delegation of authority to the Corporate Director of Place, in consultation with the Director of Legal and Governance, to negotiate and finalise the grant delivery agreements, construction contracts and any other contracts or documents required to implement this decision be approved.

7.    That the delegation of authority to the Corporate Director of Place, in consultation with the Director of Legal and Governance, to award a contract to a recommended contractor for each Scheme once an agreed delivery agreement is in place.

8.    That the delegation of authority to the Director of Legal and Governance to enter into any contracts or other documents required to implement the decision be approved.


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