Agenda item


For Members to consider the draft work programme and suggest any items they would like the Committee to scrutinise.


The Chair opened item 10 and referred an online meeting at which Committee Members had outlined the work programme for the upcoming municipal year. The Chair discussed the plan for the September meeting, which was to be around transitions and split into two topics, one about transition for children in care and the other for the transition of children with EHCP’s. The Chair then reminded the committee that if there was anything they would like to add to the work programme across the year the committee would try and incorporate it.


Councillor Sutton suggested that the Committee look at the ongoing impacts of the COVID Pandemic upon young people. The Corporate Director for Children’s Services offered a slight nervousness to looking at this as there was not an understanding yet of post-pandemic recovery, with the national audit office saying that it was likely to take ten years to catch up. The Chair expressed that while she understood where Councillor Sutton was coming from it was too difficult a topic for the Committee to scrutinise effectively.


Councillor Ennis asked whether the growing number of migrants and refugees within the borough and the challenges that come with this, was something that could be considered over the municipal year. The Chair responded that this was something looked at in the past municipal year, and something that to committee could continue to keep a watching brief on.


Councillor Butt referred to the discussion on the COVID situation, and whether general long-term sickness among the population was a covid related issue. The Director for Education referred to Public Health as possibly being able to provide that information. The Specialist Commissioner mentioned that there was information on the pathway of children who have been diagnosed with long covid which could be shared with the committee.


Councillor Hirst mentioned how migrant and COVID discussion could be had at the next meeting on transitions. It was agreed that Councillor Hirst was to be invited to the next agenda setting meeting to give her the opportunity to offer what she wants to be discussed.


Councillor Proctor asked whether exit interviews took place for foster carers who retired and what happened with the information. The Corporate Director for Children’s Services responded that they were conducted, and the Director for Early Help and Children’s Social Care added that information from the interviews was included in monthly performance meeting within her team, and in a quarterly report from the Head of Service for Fostering. The information was then considered in the development of the fostering modernisation plan and captured within annual report of the fostering service.


Councillor Proctor also asked about co-opted members and that we don’t have any. A Governance Officer reported that we do advertise these positions, but they rarely get a response. Another recruitment drive would take place.



1)    That the work programme be noted.

2)    That Councillor Hirst be invited to the agenda setting meeting.

3)    That information on the pathway of children who have been diagnosed with long covid be shared with the Committee.

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