Agenda item


A maximum of 15 minutes will be allocated to public questions submitted in writing to Democratic Services ( by 4 p.m. on the working day prior to the meeting. Questions must be relevant to items appearing on the agenda and will be submitted in the order in which they were received.


Question 1 - Mr Chris Boyes


I wish to place the following question before the September 18th Executive regarding Street Trading in Sale Town Centre.


Does the provision of a non-food pitch licence limit the size of the pitch and if so to what ground area, does it include or exclude the inclusion of space for the parking of an associated commercial vehicle (van) and if so to what area, and does it include or exclude the ability to extend the retail area taken to include part of the seating installed for the benefit and enjoyment of the public at large?


The Executive Member for Communities and Safety provided the following response.


“The proposals in the Policy are to ensure that street trading is conducted fairly; safely and in accordance with regulation; that it does not cause an obstruction of any street or danger to any persons using it; and does not cause nuisance or annoyance.


It is not proposed to have fixed pitch sizes (other than those already marked out around MUFC and the Lancashire County Cricket ground). When determining an application for a licence, officers will consider pitch size on a case-by-case basis taking into account the size of the unit, articles being sold, footfall, location and nature of the area.  All trading activities would have to take place within the designated bay and any other associated tables/chairs etc. or commercial vehicles would not be permitted (similar to pitches near MUFC/LCCC).”


Question 2 - Mr Chris Boyes

I wish the following question to be put to the Executive concerning the 2023 tree Policy.


Given that it is proposed that in future the Street Tree Inspections will take place on a three yearly basis, that is considerably more frequently than has been the case for a number of years, please could the relevant Executive member advise by how many Full Time Equivalents the workforce to carry out these inspections will be increased to accommodate these improvements to service and at what cost?


The Executive Member for Highways, Environmental, and Traded Services provided the following response.


“One extra full time tree officer has already been employed, to help implement the councils new 3-year tree safety inspection programme at a cost of 35k p.a.  The council has also recently purchased a new tree management system called Ezytreev at a cost of 20k.  The new system enables tree officers to capture inspection data at an increased rate compared to the old tree management system and hence will assist with ongoing inspections of our trees.”


Question 3 – Mr Chris Boyes

Given that in a Council Meeting last year an Executive member suggested that, to allow for wheelchair users and their carers, children’s buggies etc, the minimum clearance passageway on pavements from parked vehicles should be 1.8 metres please could an explanation be given as to why in the 2023 Tree Policy the suggested minimum allowance for new tree planting should be the lesser distance of 1.2 metres?


The Executive Member for Highways, Environmental, and Traded Services provided the following response.


“The reference of a minimum 1.8m footway width was considered in response to Trafford’s consideration of the 6 Living Streets recommendations for removing clutter and placement of new equipment at a previous council meeting. The Living Streets recommendation is suggested to be 1.5m unhindered in a number of circumstances hence Trafford will be striving to improve on this standard where possible on placement of new equipment such as bike hire, EV equipment, enforcement of A boards and other activities and have put in place a budget for removal of street clutter.


With regard to trees however, a large proportion of our existing trees and especially large mature trees are in footpaths that unfortunately do not offer the suggested clear footpaths widths of 1.8m even when a tree is subsequently removed and not replaced. 


For a good number of years, the council has undertaken an annual tree removal and replacement programme, which highlights large mature trees impeding the footpaths for removal. These trees are then replaced on a 2 for 1 basis with small ornamental varieties more suitable for the highway and are often also placed at alternative sites in another location to allow improved access on very narrow footways.


The removal and replacement of trees in existing locations particularly on highway of older highway design standard has to consider the overall climate and environmental impact of those trees on a site-by-site basis.


The suggested footpath width by living streets therefore is 1.5metres unhindered. However, the legal minimum clear footpath width based on Highway and Rights of Way Legislation is required to be 1metre.  Trafford is therefore suggesting 1.2metres clear footpath for trees after a new tree has been planted that should therefore assist with wheelchair and other mobility equipment that needs unhindered access.


Whilst these standards are different to those recommended by the living streets declutter guidance for trees, Trafford will be striving to ensure that any placement of other new equipment or other activities impacting on the highway will be to the suggested minimum widths.


Retrospectively applying the 1.5m to our current tree lined streets would see a detrimental effect on the climate and environment in those streets and hence 1.2m is considered a fair compromise that still allows access given the design layout of Trafford’s older streets.”


Question 4 - submitted by Mr Andrew Gould (Secretary: Friends of Davyhulme Park)

As a member of Friends of Davyhulme Park I have a keen interest in the outcome of the 7-year review of the One Trafford contract.


For a number of years our group members have been active on the park, essentially getting involved in many the jobs that Amey were supposed to be doing such as weeding beds, clearing leaves, edging paths, cutting hedges, clearing ponds, litter picking etc.


We have been told that in future Amey’s performance will be judged by park walkabouts but how will Amey be assessed when maintenance work is being performed partially by exasperated volunteers.


Additionally, how will the large majority of parks and green spaces who don’t have an active ‘Friends’ group agree an appropriate SLA and be periodically assessed.


The Executive Member for Highways, Environmental, and Traded Services provided the following response.


“The majority of friends groups now have organised working voluntary days in parks on a regular structured basis, to underpin and support these efforts we are looking to introduce a service level agreement (SLA). We will be looking to work through the SLA with the Friends Groups on an ongoing basis at walking meetings and discuss how the SLA will be used going forward as a practical constructive tool in the managing of performance as whole.


Voluntary working days within our parks can also be a celebration of community bringing a wide range of benefits – this type of voluntary work lends itself perfectly for bringing people together to engage with horticulture – creating places of reflection and connection. At a site level, developing levels of understanding and working out the range of practical mechanism co-operation and joint decision-making does take time. The proposed SLA is looking to ensure effective working across the whole area of our parks, clearly defining which tasks should not be carried out by volunteers and developing alignment with both voluntary and grounds maintenance resources.


We are also looking to extend the SLA to parks where we don’t currently have friend groups established and will carry out similar walking meetings with officers who are tasked in delivering the service in these areas.”



1)    That the questions and responses be noted.

2)    That full written responses be provided to the questioners and captured within the minutes of the meeting.