Agenda item


To receive a report from Deputy Place Lead for Health and Care Integration for the Trafford Locality and the Programme Director Health and Care, NHS GM (Trafford) and Trafford Council.


The Deputy Place Lead for Health and Social Care and the Health and Social Care Programme Director provided the framework to the meeting. The Deputy Place Lead for Health and Social Care referred the Board to previous discussions had around the new operator model at Greater Manchester (GM) level for a new integrated care system architecture, which began to establish a new model as to who did what work and where.  The Deputy Place Lead for Health and Social Care informed the Board that following this, the Council was beginning to understand what the locality would be capable of and developing a performance management framework, to plan how the locality would provide assurance around the key strategic and operational deliverables. The Board were informed that this was being tailored to Trafford, to further understand the requirements of the locality. 


The Deputy Place Lead for Health and Social Care supplied a comment for provider colleagues on the Board, that the locality was conscious of ensuring that truly robust arrangements were in place within the locality to ensure that work was delegated appropriately, and that work was not being duplicated.


The Deputy Place Lead for Health and Social Care directed the Board toward the bullet point questions which Board Members were asked to complete. 


The Corporate Director for Adults and Wellbeing welcomed the report and highlighted the importance of answering the questions to ensure that everything was linked together and the framework was working best for the residents of Trafford. The Deputy Place Lead for Health and Social Care came back on this, saying that the framework was about understanding what was important to Trafford, and the metrics and priorities which need to be focused upon within the Borough.


The Independent Chair for Trafford Strategic Safeguarding Partnership asked about the parity of focus between children and adults in terms of the performance framework. The Deputy Place Lead for Health and Social care responded that they suspected that it was not a fair split, but a conscious effort had been made over the previous 6-month period to increase the exposure on the assurance around children’s services. The Deputy Place Lead for Health and Social Care finished by saying that it was getting there but it needed to be front and centre to create parity.


The Trafford Local Care Organisation representative felt that providers and organisations needed to work together on the framework to establish one version of the truth, as when work like this had happened in the past, different organisations have brought different sets of data to the table. The Deputy Place Lead for Health & Social Care agreed with the Board member and ensured that it was a priority to avoid making things complicated, and to work closely with local care organisation colleagues.


The Chief Executive made the Board aware that a refresh on the locality plan was upcoming, and that in recent meetings of the locality board, it had been discussed about how this could be the plan for Trafford. This would bring together one single plan, which knitted together several different elements. The Chief Executive felt that this would help to bring all the priorities together and lead the locality in the right direction when determining progress that was being made. 


The Health & Social Care Programme Director expanded on this and felt that it was important to think about the role of the Board. He felt that it was important that the Board be a critical friend to the locality, which considers and challenges the difference that was being made.


The Chair thanked all for their input and felt that it would be important to keep priorities front and centre.


RESOLVED: That the framework be noted.


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