Agenda item


To receive any announcements from the Mayor, Leader of the Council, Members of the Executive, Chairs of Scrutiny Committees and the Head of Paid Service.


(a)       Honorary Alderman, Former Councillor and Past Mayor Mrs. Pamela Dixon MBE and Former Mayoress Mrs. Wendy Higgins.


It was with regret that the Mayor referred to the recent passing of former Councillor Mrs. Pamela Dixon MBE and Honorary Alderman who was Mayor of Trafford in 2004/05. Mrs. Dixon represented the Brooklands Ward and served on the Council for 27 years between 1990 and 2018.


The Mayor also advised the Council of the sad passing of the former Mayoress, Mrs. Wendy Higgins, who was Mayoress to her husband David in his Mayoral year 2009/10.


As a mark of respect to its former colleagues, the Council stood for a moments silence in reflection of in their memory.


(b)       Israel and Gaza


The Mayor referred to the terrible events which were unfolding in Israel and Gaza and conveyed the Council’s thoughts and prayers to those impacted and the people caught up in the ongoing conflict.


The Council paused and took a moment to reflect on the many innocent people who had lost their lives or who had lost loved ones.


(c)        His Majesty the King’s Birthday Honours


The Mayor took the opportunity to recognise those citizens and persons connected with Trafford who were named in His Majesty the King's Birthday Honours List, namely:


Ms Hayley Karen Citrine from Sale, awarded the citation of Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (MBE) for services to Nursing;


Mr Jonathan Grant Evans from Hale, awarded the MBE for services to Association Football in Northern Ireland;


Mrs Zoe Branka Holland from Sale, awarded the MBE for Charitable Service, particularly during Covid 19; and


Dr Rosemary McCarthy from Hale, awarded the MBE for services to Midwifery and Maternity Healthcare.


The Council joined with the Mayor in conveying the Council’s congratulations for their achievements and richly deserved recognition.


(d)       The Leader of the Council’s Announcements


Councillor Ross provided a summary of the following Council activities since the previous meeting.


-       In July, eleven of Trafford’s parks and greenspaces were awarded Green Flag status. Thanks went to the Friends of Parks Groups and officers from the Council and Amey.


-       In partnership with L&Q, the Council had started the regeneration of several properties in Sale Moor to bring them back into use as affordable homes.


-       In early September, thousands welcomed the tour of Britain cycling race to Altrincham.


-       Council had received funding of almost £2 million to support the building of new homes on the Lacy Street site in Stretford.


-       Longford Park awarded £3million from the heritage lottery fund with thanks to the Friends of Longford Park, Ward Councillors, Executive Members and officers.


-       Congratulations to Altrincham Bid for their successful Purple Flag award.


-       The opening of Hale Library.


-       The Council looked forward to the next stages of the levelling-up bid for leisure development in Partington and to the engagement with residents.


-       Congratulations to Trafford Veterans and the Special Educational Needs Family Support Group on receiving the King’s Award for Voluntary Service.


(e)       Budget Scrutiny


Councillor Acton, Chair of Scrutiny Committee advised the Council that the Budget Scrutiny sessions were to take place on 28 and 30 November 2023 to which all Members were invited.


(f)         Health Scrutiny


Councillor Butt, Chair of Health Scrutiny updated the Council on the Task and Finish Group’s meeting with local social prescribers and the Committee’s work programme to date in respect of Altrincham Minor Injuries Unit, Aids and Adaptations and the Integrated Care Board’s governance structure. The forthcoming meeting will explore Health Social Care Winter Plans, Dental Access and Cancer Diagnosis and Prevention as well as reviewing performance during the pandemic.