Agenda item


To consider a report sets out the draft approach for the curation of the Locality Plan refresh, incorporating the Trafford Health and Wellbeing Strategy and outlines the parallel process of curating the Trafford Delivery priorities for 2024/25.




Thomas Maloney, Programme Director Health and Care, Trafford Council/NHS GM presented a report  which sets out the draft approach for the curation of the Locality Plan refresh, incorporating the Trafford Health and Wellbeing Strategy and outlines the parallel process of curating the Trafford Delivery priorities for 2024/25. The report covers the rationale, programme governance, ways of working, stakeholder management and outline content creation.


Thomas Maloney advised that there may be repetition of information from previous presentations but there is new detail within this presentation which will encourage a deep discussion on the refresh of the Locality Plan. He reminded Members that the aim is to create one plan for health, care and wellbeing in Trafford by integrating the existing Locality Plan aspirations and the Health and Wellbeing Strategy. He made reference to the aim and rationale of the refresh as detailed on page 4 of the presentation. He emphasised that there are a number of key drivers for change and referred to the missions of the ICP Strategy regarding stronger communities and helping people to stay well and detecting illness earlier, which are fundamental to the existing aspirations of the Locality Plan. He informed the Board that the Social Model of Health and Care is a long standing commitment in Greater Manchester and that the system is built based on a preventative model for health and care. Working in parallel to the Model is the GM Joint Forward Plan which includes a comprehensive Prevention and Early Intervention Framework The GM JFP contains over 160 actions phased over the 5 year life course of the GM ICP Strategy. More detail on these actions are shown on page 10 of the presentation. There are a large number of strategies and page 6 of the presentation shows a number of these and importantly they drive the work going forward. He referred to the Greater Manchester Operating Plan and Local Delegated Responsibilities which are set out on page 7. There is an Agreed comprehensive Prevention and Early Intervention Framework as part of the Joint Forward Plan and some of the detail is set out on page 8 of the presentation. He emphasized the need to do the best we possibly can and the need to strengthen our approaches and indeed identifying areas for improvement this being one of the key drivers in the refresh. In distilling all the information he has drawn together and distilled a number of areas showing key ‘Drivers for Change’ that will impact and what the Board decides on a set of priorities for 2024-25 and provide a basis for the longer term aspirations of the Trafford Integrated Care Partnership as shown on page 11 of the presentation.


The Greater Manchester ICP approach to planning has started earlier than usual and the aim is to complete the 2024-25 plan by the end of March. Key dates are set out on page 13 and more detailed timetables will be shared with localities. Details of the approach to planning are set out on pages 14 and 15 with the timeline on Key Activities and Forums shown on page 16. Communications, Coproduction, Co-Design and Participation will be at the centre of the process producing the refresh as set out on page 17 of the presentation.


The Chair emphasised the importance of the drivers for change, referred to on page 12, to be implemented correctly to enable the Locality Delivery Portfolio to progress positively. She further emphasised and agreed with the point made, that it is important for the peoples voice to be heard in addition to briefs and proposals mentioned. The Chair suggested that an invitation be sent to Health and Wellbeing Board Members with regard to them joining the time limited Locality Pan Refresh Group.


Helen Gollins, Director of Public Health, referred to the strength in the commissioning exercise held this week bringing together colleagues who wouldn’t talk about the commissioning intentions together and it became clear what the priorities are jointly and individually. This meeting was new and something which we need to continue to do in future. She referred to the Health and Wellbeing Priorities and that there is a huge evidence base in terms of how the Council works in each of those priorities and the use of resources effectively and how outcomes are measured together with the voice of residents and indeed the communities all which needs to be taken on board when refreshing the Locality Plan. She drew attention to the Fairer Health for Trafford approach which compliments and would enable to be confirmed priorities.


Referring to a point made about those that we are not doing so well, Thomas Maloney reminded the Board that there are 160 actions phased over the 5 year life course of the Strategy. Some of these are the responsibility of the localities, for example upscaling social prescribing. He drew attention to other areas referred to earlier in the presentation where more work is needed in areas of where we are not doing so well but there is a need to prioritise whilst working within constraints.


Gareth James commended the Plan going forward but raised his concern over the next year with regard to the finance and performance context and how quickly we will be able to move forward. There is existing money in our health and care system so it is about prioritising those existing funds and working in partnership to deliver collective and better outcomes for Trafford people and communities.


Richard Spearing, Managing Director of Trafford LCO, emphasized the point that engaging with people in a respectful and kind way will achieve a positive response which was important in progressing the Plan.


Nathan Atkinson, Corporate Director of Adults and Wellbeing, emphasized that if we do not start to invest in prevention in a meaningful way by shifting resources there will not be any positive progress so we need to capitalise on the current commitment of partners and existing direction of travel in Trafford.


With regard to a point raise about making sure health inequalities are featured in the Plan, Thomas Maloney agreed that it is important that health inequalities are addressed in the Plan and continued improvement is carried forward by all partners, utilizing our shared governance to strengthen accountability.







(i)             the Board notes the Report; and


(ii)            the commitments as detailed in the presentation be endorsed together with the positive comments and suggestions made by Board Members on the way forward in respect of the Trafford Locality Plan Refresh.





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