This is an opportunity for Members of Council to ask the Mayor, Members of the Executive or the Chairs of any Committee or Sub-Committee a question on notice under Procedure Rule 10.2.
That Mayor reported that ten questions had been received under Procedure Rule 10.2.
On the basis that the Mayor had asked for the responses to be circulated to all Councillors and published on the website, the Council consented to taking both the question and response as read and move on to the supplementary question in each case. Where a response was yet to be provided the relevant Executive Member would provide a response in the meeting. (Note: The questions and responses are available to view on the Council’s website.)
(a) Question 1 from Councillor Chakraborty regarding: a pelican crossing at the junction of Sinderland Road and A56.
Councillor Chakraborty asked as a supplementary question whether the Council could be certain that the crossing would be completed by the Summer when the schools finish. Councillor Adshead, Executive Member for Highways, Environmental and Traded Services did not have a timeline available but asked Councillor Chakraborty to liaise with the Executive Member and the Highways Manager following the meeting where a timeline will be provided.
(b) Question 2 from Councillor Evans regarding: child protection.
Councillor Evans had not received a response to his question. Councillor K. Carter, Executive Member for Children and Young People responded in the meeting. The Executive Member informed Councillor Evans that Trafford Council had worked hard over the past four years to ensure that children at risk of sexual exploitation were safeguarded against effectively. This had included the establishment of the Vulnerable Adolescents Service. In response to Councillor Evans’ question, the Executive Member responded that Greater Manchester Police (GMP) had two ongoing investigations. One was a non-recent investigation with three victims and one suspect with the file currently with the CPS awaiting a decision. The second was a non-recent investigation with three victims and two suspects which had been reopened, was ongoing and the file was to be submitted following an upcoming final investigation. The Executive Member referred to a final case which had recently been closed, and informed Councillor Evans that there was no current case investigation going on with any children in Trafford.
Councillor Evans asked as a supplementary question whether the Council had completed a thorough historical investigation into cases across both Trafford and Greater Manchester. The Executive Member responded that across Greater Manchester administrations, they were on their fourth inquiry. The first two had looked at historical sexual abuse, the third had looked specifically around what had happened in Rochdale, and the current one was looking at ensuring that all services were working together to prevent these issues happening again in the future.
(c) Question 3 from Councillor Duncan regarding: drug abuse in schools.
Councillor Duncan asked a supplementary question which can be viewed, along with the response, on the Council’s website.
(d) Question 4 from Councillor Paul regarding: the Council’s buy nothing new campaign.
Councillor Paul asked as a supplementary question whether Trafford Council would support a buy everything local campaign to support local shops and businesses. Councillor Adshead, Executive Member for Highways, Environment and Traded Services responded that the Council could support initiatives like this but added that the purpose of the buy nothing new campaign was to encourage residents to visit local charity shops or reuse shops, keeping the money in the local economy, whilst also cutting down on waste.
(e) Question 5 from Councillor Coggins regarding: the Council’s Commemorative policy.
Councillor Coggins had not received a response to their question. Councillor Hynes, Executive Member for Leisure, Arts, Culture and Heritage responded in the meeting. The Executive Member provided a lengthy response which included the following themes;
- Background and information to provide assurances as to the appropriateness of the policy creation;
- The subsequent implementation of the policy; and
- The unusual circumstances in respect of the petition mentioned within the question.
Councillor Coggins asked as a supplementary question whether the hasty nature of this decision and some residents accusing the Council of double standards, if a delay to implementation of the policy would have been a more fair and consistent response to the humanitarian disaster in Gaza. Councillor Hynes responded that the response was not hasty. Reflections had been ongoing since November as the policy at the time did not cover certain eventualities. Following this, a review took place to formulate the new policy, with Councillor Ross speaking with the petitioner in December to ensure that residents were aware that the policy was under review to avoid residents perceiving that there was an imbalance or inconsistency within the Council. The Executive Member finished by saying that the Council was continuing to maintain community cohesion in this area.
(f) Question 6 from Councillor Evans regarding: schools’ provision.
Councillor Evans had not had a response to his question. The Executive Member for Children and Young People provided a response in the meeting. Councillor K. Carter, Executive Member for Children and Young People expressed her issues with the question and provided statistics around the “reality of people living under the Conservative government.” In response to Councillor Evans’ question, the Executive Member responded that she had not met with any independent schools in Trafford to discuss a proposed Labour Party policy as she supported this policy and added that if any residents who had an issue with increased costs of independent schools, then they would be warmly welcomed into the state sector.
Councillor Evans asked as a supplementary question why this was not being seen as a threat, as there were families who would struggle to send their children to independent schools and state school provision would be unable to absorb these children. The Executive Member for Children and Young People responded that these issues were considered and were ahead of the closing of Loretto Preparatory School. There were places available in Trafford state schools and the Executive Member said that if any future government or policy is introduced and any independent schools would like to discuss it, the Local Authority would be willing to do so.
(g) Question 7 from Councillor Spencer regarding: endangered macaque monkeys.
Councillor Rose Thompson, Executive Member for Communities and Safety responded to the question in the meeting, and the response can be viewed on the Council website.
Councillor Spencer asked a supplementary question, with the question and response available on the Council’s website.
(h) Question 8 from Councillor Zhi regarding: one-way system on Gorsey Lane
Councillor Zhi asked as a supplementary question if the Council could provide a detailed explanation of the criteria that must be met to reverse the one-way system on Gorsey Lane. Councillor Adshead, Executive Member for Highways, Environment and Traded Services responded that residents had six months to raise concerns with the Council. If any of these were substantiated the Council had a further 12-months to implement any changes.
(i) Question 9 from Councillor Lepori regarding: BRSK Infrastructure rollout.
Councillor Lepori asked as a supplementary question if the Council could commit to monitoring BRSK communication methods and do better to inform residents more effectively ahead of planned works. Councillor Adshead, Executive Member for Highways, Environment and Traded Services responded that unless they plan to cause an obstruction, the Council had no power to intervene with BRSK, with them merely having to notify local authorities of their intention a period before they did attend.
(j) Question 10 from Councillor Newgrosh regarding: takeover of Trafford Housing Trust by London and Quadrant (L&Q).
Councillor Newgrosh had not had a response to his question. Councillor Wright, Executive Member for Housing and Advice responded in the meeting. In relation to the question, Councillor Wright had contacted L&Q and read out the response in the meeting. This included the Sale Point service not being deemed value for money.
Councillor Newgrosh asked as a supplementary question given the less than stellar reputation of L&Q and the Council no longer holding a board position, like was held under Trafford Housing Trust, was the Council was less able to stand up for social housing tenants in the Borough. The Executive Member responded that the Council did have less influence over L&Q and was looking to organise an engagement session with L&Q and Councillors cross-party.
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