Agenda item


To consider the report from the Executive Member for Economy and Regeneration.





RESOLVED That the Executive:


Approves that the Draft Trafford Wharfside Development Framework and Draft Trafford Wharfside Masterplan go out to public consultation.


The Executive Member for Economy and Regeneration presented a report which provides an update on the Draft Trafford Wharfside Development Framework and Draft Trafford Wharfside Masterplan studies that are key documents in setting the future development potential of this strategically important area.


The Trafford Wharfside area (study area c87ha – see section 2.2 Appendix 1) represents a major development and regeneration site in the borough due to its size, strategic position on the southern bank of the Manchester Ship Canal, opportunities for future residential, employment and mixed uses, and home to major businesses such as Manchester United. Due to the area’s mixed-use potential, and the need to set an overall strategy to guide future development, the Trafford Wharfside Development Framework (see Appendix 1) was commissioned in Spring 2022 to set the vision for the area and how it should operate as a ‘place’. Potential development sites have also been identified set in the context of an overarching plan that complements policy and provides guidance to landowners/potential developers.


Due to the strategic importance of the Wharfside area, the draft Framework has been produced in partnership with key stakeholders i.e. Peel Group, Manchester United Football Club and Salford City Council. As the Framework was underway, production of the Trafford Design Code was near completion and responding to a specific request from the DLUC as part of the Design Code Pathfinder Programme, a Masterplan for the Wharfside area (see Appendix 2) was commissioned in May 2023, The work on the Trafford Design Code identified a gap in the baseline information for the Trafford Wharfside area, which went beyond the brief for the Development Framework, broadly corresponding with Coding Process 2C - Master planning in the National Model Design Code (NMDC).  Whereas the Development Framework sets out the broad scope of the ‘what’ and ‘where’, including public realm and other level interventions; the Masterplan builds that up into a more detailed assessment of development potential, the mitigation of existing constraints, parameters and robust urban design principles.


The Masterplan therefore will form part of the Trafford Design Code which means it, like the Design Code, will be adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document but will also be a ‘digital first’ document bolted onto and accessible via the Design Code website. Both the Framework and Masterplan will serve as an evidence base document for the emerging Trafford Local Plan, and specifically Policies TP2 – Trafford Wharfside and Pomona; and AF2 – Trafford Wharfside.


The Trafford Wharfside Framework and Trafford Wharfside Masterplan, together with the Design Code, will enable the Council to steer and support the delivery of transformational change of exemplar design quality across the Wharfside area.


Councillor Welton commended the report. He referred to the area being next to waterways to the possibility of using water resources to produce power via heat pumps and distributing the power produced to residents similar to what has been achieved at other Councils and asked if at an early stage this possibility could be investigated as to whether this area is a suitable location for this to be factored into the plans.


The Corporate Director of Place confirmed that we have commissioned the first two district heat networks centred around the civic quarter area action plan with the energy centre set to be on the former GMP Chester House site and it is proposed that the heat source would be the sewers. In terms of the Waterside we are not quite at that stage and detail and it is an avenue we will be exploring whether it is water based or an extension of the civic action plan.


In summary the Leader, reflecting on the Waterside proposals, the Waterside Development would be looking at placing nature and landscape at the heart of this vision and connecting and celebrating the waterfront which is very close to the civic centre creating a place defined by its streets, connecting the waterside to the city, framing key landmarks and creating opportunities to facilitate healthy active engaged community with a significant number of housing proposals, employment and industry. Partnership work is key and he referred to Manchester United Football Club have announced some exciting plans recently which comes together with what is being proposed by the Council. He also acknowledged a key neighbour in Salford City Council and continue to work closely with them and significant land owners in the area such as Peel.


RESOLVED: That the Executive approves that the Draft Trafford Wharfside Development Framework and Draft Trafford Wharfside Masterplan go out to public consultation.



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