Agenda item


Representatives from Trafford CCG, CMFT, NHS England and UHSM will be

in attendance to provide an update to the Joint Committee on progress.


The Chair informed the Committee that apologies had been received from the representatives of both the University Hospital South Manchester (UHSM) and Central Manchester Foundation Trust Hospital (CMFT), and that no alternative representative had been nominated to attend the meeting. The Chair said this was very disappointing as the dates of the meetings had been agreed in consultation with the NHS and circulated in advance. The Chair said that the Committee had a legal and democratic right to scrutinise the local NHS and the failure of the NHS representatives to attend this meeting was disrespectful to the Committee. A member recommended that the Chair write to UHSM, CMFT, Trafford CCG and NHS England to re-iterate the functions and powers that are conferred upon the Joint Health Scrutiny Committee to monitor the impact of the New Health Deal for Trafford and the obligations upon representatives to attend meetings when they are convened. A member further recommended that the Secretary of State for Health also be sent a copy of the letter. The Committee agreed this recommendation.


The Committee welcomed Rob Bellingham (NHS England); Dr Nigel Guest, Gina Lawrence and Julie Crossley (Trafford CCG). Dr Guest introduced the report. Ms Lawrence said that funding had been secured from the Better Care Fund to support a team of Social Workers at UHSM to reduce delays in the discharge of patients and that the intention is to continue this support. A member commented that whilst she welcomed the reported measure implemented to reduce delays in discharging patients, she was disappointed to note that the pharmacy provision had been identified as a factor in delays. Dr Guest said that he would relay this to UHSM.


Ms Crossley said that to support patient discharge the number of step down beds provided at Ascott House, a residential care home will increase from 5 to 18. She said that this will be a phased increase in beds from October 2015 and will require the recruitment of additional nursing staff in line with recommended national staffing guidelines. In response to a member’s comment regarding the difficulties nationally in recruiting nursing staff Ms Crossley said that a number of options are being considered which will include secondment of nursing staff and formal recruitment process. Ms Crossley said that she would share the staffing model for Ascott House with the Committee.


A member noted that the discharge figures had slightly improved at UHSM and asked what winter resilience plans had been agreed to maintain this trend. Ms Lawrence said that the CCGs had devised a winter resilience plan and would be happy to share these with the Committee.


A member commented upon the £12m capital investment in the A&E Department at UHSM and sought assurance that this programme of work is still on-going. The Chair commented that it was disappointing that no representative of UHSM was in attendance to provide a progress report on this activity.



1. The Committee requested that the Chair write to UHSM, CMFT, Trafford CCG and NHS England to re-iterate the functions and powers that are conferred upon the Joint Health Scrutiny Committee to monitor the impact of the New Health Deal for Trafford and the obligations upon representatives to attend meetings when they are convened.


2. That the Secretary of State for Health be sent a copy of the letter.


3.  To request that Trafford CCG circulate the staffing arrangements, to support the additional beds at Ascott House.


4. To request that that Trafford CCG circulate details of the Winter Resilience Plan for UHSM. This is to include details of UHSM’s input into this plan.


5. To request that that further information relating to the Falls Service Redesign be provided in a future update report.

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